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Substratum stability associated with the riverine macrophyte Justicia americana
Authors:Ken M. Fritz   Jack W. Feminella
Affiliation:Department of Biological Sciences, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, U.S.A.
Abstract:1. Patches of stable substratum in streams may be important refugia for benthic organisms during scouring floods. Streambed stone stability, packing and embeddedness were assessed within and adjacent to beds of the macrophyte Justicia americana in five Alabama streams. 2. The force needed to dislodge stones and embeddedness was about two times lower outside Justicia beds than within them. Significant positive correlations between stone stability and (i) degree of embeddedness, and (ii) the abundance of binding rhizomes and the presence of attached roots indicate that Justicia may physically modify the local streambed, indirectly enhancing substratum stability and reducing flow, thereby increasing sand deposition. 3. Despite higher stability (i.e. physical refugia during bed‐moving spates) within Justicia beds, the abundance of epilithic plants (moss and Podostemum ceratophyllum) and pleurocerid snails (Elimia spp.) was similar both inside and outside the macrophyte beds. Several physical characteristics within macrophyte beds, such as low light, reduced current and increased sand intrusion, may create suboptimal conditions for benthic organisms in these habitats. 4. Additional work is needed to determine if Justicia biogenically enhances substratum stability or if its presence merely reflects patches of stable substratum within the streambed. Regardless of the mechanism, there is an association between Justicia beds and streambed characteristics.
Keywords:critical force    disturbance    Justicia americana    macrophyte    substratum stability
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