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Influence of pregnancy on the febrile response to ICV administration of PGE1 in rats studied in a thermocline
Authors:Eliason, Heather L.   Fewell, James E.
Abstract:Eliason, Heather L., and James E. Fewell. Influence ofpregnancy on the febrile response to ICV administration ofPGE1 in rats studied in athermocline. J. Appl. Physiol. 82(5):1453-1458, 1997.---Rats near term of pregnancy have an attenuatedfebrile response to intracerebroventricular (ICV) injection ofprostaglandin E1 (PGE1) when they are studied atan ambient temperature below their thermoneutral zone. Given thatnonshivering thermogenesis in brown adipose tissue is impaired inrodents near term of pregnancy, it is possible that the attenuatedfebrile response is forced by impairment of this component of theautonomic thermoregulatory response. If this were the case, thennear-term pregnant rats should develop a "normal" fever afterPGE1 administration if they werestudied in a thermocline where they could utilize behavioral as well asautonomic thermoregulatory effectors to increase their body coretemperature (Tbc). Experimentswere, therefore, carried out on 13 nonpregnant and 14 pregnantchronically instrumented rats in a thermocline (temperature gradient10-40°C) to investigate theirTbc responses to ICV injection ofPGE1. ICV injection of 0.2 µgPGE1 produced significantincreases in Tbc and fever index in both nonpregnant and pregnant animals (day19 of gestation); the increases, however, weresignificantly attenuated in the pregnant compared with the nonpregnantrats. Behavioral (e.g., selected ambient temperature) and autonomic(e.g., oxygen consumption) thermoregulatory effectors were activated toincrease Tbc after ICVPGE1 in both groups of animals,but the duration of activation was shortened in pregnant compared withnonpregnant rats. The abbreviated thermoregulatory effector responsesand the resulting attenuated febrile response toPGE1 in the pregnant rats may have resulted from a pregnancy-related activation of an endogenous antipyretic system.

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