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引用本文:牛耕耘,薛俊哲,魏美才. 中国大基叶蜂亚科三新种(膜翅目,叶蜂科)[J]. 动物分类学报, 2012, 37(3): 589-595
作者姓名:牛耕耘  薛俊哲  魏美才
作者单位:中南林业科技大学昆虫系统和进化生物学实验室 长沙 410004
摘    要:记述中国大基叶蜂亚科3新种:宽斑大基叶蜂Beleses latimaculatus Wei et Niu,sp.nov.,黑毛大基叶蜂Beleses nigropilosus Wei et Niu,sp.nov.和黄褐凹跗叶蜂Eusunoxa fulvitarsis Wei et Xue,sp.nov.。

关 键 词:膜翅目  叶蜂科  大基叶蜂属  凹跗叶蜂属  新种

NIU Geng-Yun , XUE Jun-Zhe , WEI Mei-Cai. THREE NEW SPECIES OF BELESESINAE (HYMENOPTERA,TENTHREDINIDAE) FROM CHINA[J]. Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica, 2012, 37(3): 589-595
Authors:NIU Geng-Yun    XUE Jun-Zhe    WEI Mei-Cai
Affiliation:* Lab of Insect Systematics and Evolutionary Biology,Central South University of Forestry and Technology,Changsha 410004,China
Abstract:Three new species of Belesesinae of T enthredinidae are described:Beleses latimaculatus W ei et Niu,sp.nov.,B.nigropilosus W ei et Niu,sp.nov.and Eusunoxa fulvitarsis W ei et Xue,sp.nov.T he type specimens are kept in the Insect Collection of Central South University of Forestry and T echnology,Changsha,Hunan Province,China.1 Beleses latimaculatus Wei et Niu,sp.nov.(Figs 1-10) Body length.Female 9 mm,male 7 mm.T his new species is close to Beleses multipictus(Rohwer,1916),but differs from the latter in the mesepisternum with one white stripe only;the white stripe on inner orbit linear at middle;the inner margins of eyes strongly convergent downwards;the ventral black stripe on hind coxa broad and not broadened at apex;the middle serrulae of female lancet with 3-4 proximal teeth and 13-14 distal teeth.T his species was identified as Beleses multipictus(Rohwer,1916)(W ei and Nie,2002).T he examination of the holotype of Beleses multipictus(Rohwer,1916) shows that the species identified as Beleses multipictus from the mainland of China is an undescribed species.Holotype ♀,Guangxi,W uming,Beihuiguixian(Tropic of Cancer)(23° 23’ N,108° 26’ E;alt.1300 m),20 M ay 2011,LIU Yan-Xia,XUE JunZhe.Paratypes:1♂,Hainan,M t.Jiangfeng,21 July 1997,W EI M ei-Cai;1 ♀,1 ♂,Guangxi,M t.M ao’er,alt.1000 m,24 June 1999,XIAO W ei;1♀,Hubei,W ufeng,Houhe,11 July 1999,DENG T ieJun;1♀,1 ♂,Hunan,Shimen,M t.Huping,July 1994,LIU Zhi-W ei;1 ♀,Fujian,M t.W uyi,Dazhulan,alt.1000-1300 m,19 M ay 2004,ZHOU Hu;1♀,Hunan,M t.Huping,Jiangping,alt.1200-1600 m,9 June 2004,JIANG Yang;1♀,Guangxi,Rongshui,M t.Yuanbao,alt.900 m,22 July 2001,XIAO W ei;1 ♀,Hunan,W ugang,M t.Yun,alt.1100 m,4 June 2003,HE Ying-Ke;1 ♀,Guangdong,Ruyuan,Qinshuigu(24° 54’ N,113°02’E;alt.824 m),15 M ay 2007,YOU Qun;1♀,Guangxi,M t.M ao’er,Jiuniutang(25° 53’ N,110°22’E;alt.1164 m),22 Apr.2006,YOU Qun;1♀,Guangxi,M t.M ao’er,Guanjingtai(25°52’ N,110°29’E;alt.926 m),18 M ay 2006,LIAO FangJun;1 ♀,Guangxi,M t.M ao’er,Hongjunting(25°54’N,110°27’E;alt.1570 m),12 July 2006,LIAO Fang-Jun;1 ♀,Chongqing,Qianjiang,M t.W uling,alt.1000 m,20 M ay 2007,ZHANG W eiW ei;1♂,Chongqing,Jiangjin,M t.Simian,15 M ay 2007,ZHANG W ei-W ei;1♂,Hunan,M t.Dawei,Limuqiao(28°25’N,114°05’E ;alt.980 m),5 M ay 2010,LI Ze-Jian;1♂,Shaanxi,Liuba,Sangyuanlinchang(33° 44’ N,107° 08’ E,alt.1250 m),18 M ay 2007,JIANG Xiao-Yu.Etymology.T he specific epithet refers to the white stripe on the lower mesepisternum.2 Beleses nigropilosus Wei et Niu,sp.nov.(Figs 11-20) Body length.Female 9 mm,male 8 mm.T his new species is close to Beleses brachypolosis W ei,2003,but differs from the latter in body including antennae and legs with very long spines,which are about as long as scape;head in dorsal side without distinct puncture;antenna,anterior and middle trochanters black;serrulae with minute teeth;the apical and subapical serrulae roundly convex;lance with dense annular spines,the dorsal margin of the subapical part of lance strongly curved.Holotype ♀,Guangxi,W uming,Liangjiangzhen(23°54’N,108°35’E;alt.200 m),26 May 2011,LIU Yan-Xia,XUE Jun-Zhe.Paratypes:1 ♀,same data as holotype;1 ♀,Chongqing,Jiangjin,M t.Simian,17 June 2006,ZHANG W ei-W ei;1 ♂,Hunan,Shimen,9 June 1994,LIU Zhi-W ei;2♂♂,Guangdong,Shixing,Chebaling(24° 40’ N,114°09’E;alt.400 m),20 June 2007,YOU Qun,LIAO Fang-Jun.Etymology.T his species is named after its blackbody hairs.3 Eusunoxa fulvitarsis Wei et Xue,sp.nov.(Figs 21-27) Body length.Female 7.0 mm,male 5.8 6.5 mm.T his new species is close to Eusunoxa formosana Enslin,1911 but differs from the latter in hind tarsus dark yellow brown;malar space in female 0.9 times diameter of the middle ocellus;postocellar area 2.5 times as broad as long;the lateral furrows of postocellar area distinctly longer than diameter of lateral ocellus,distinctly divergent backwards;apex of apical sheath acute in lateral view.Holotype ♀,Yunnan,M t.W uliang,Qincaitang(24°18’N,100°43’E;alt.2 197 m),14 July 2006,YANG Qing.Paratypes:1 ♂,Guizhou,M aolan,Sanchahe,alt.750 m,11 M ay 1999,W EI M ei-Cai;2♂♂,Guizhou,Libo,Banzhai,alt.800 m,1 Aug.1999,W EI M ei-Cai,BU W en-Jun;1 ♂,Sichuan,M t.Emei,Xixiangchi,19 July 2001,W EI M ei-Cai;1♂,Guangxi,Baise,Leye,alt.1100 m,7 July 1999,XIAO W ei;1 ♂,Zhejiang,Anji,M t.Longwang,23 July 1999,W U Hong;1 ♀,Hunan,M t.Huping,July 1994,LIU Zhi-W ei(M alaise trap) ;1 ♂,Guangxi,W uming,M t.Daming,Chuichenfeng(23°30’N,108°26’E;alt.1230 m),9 Aug.2011,LIU Yan-Xia.Etymology.T his species is named after its yellow brown hind tarsus.
Keywords:Hymenoptera  Tenthredinidae  Beleses  Eusunoxa  new species.
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