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Phenotypic plasticity of larval retreat design in a net-spinning caddisfly
Authors:Plague, Gordon R.   McArthur, J Vaun
Affiliation:Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, University of Georgia, PO Drawer E, Aiken, SC 29802, USA
Abstract:Larval Macrostemum carolina caddisflies construct silken catchnetswithin protective retreats, often on submerged trees and branches(i.e., snags). In the Savannah River, M. carolina larvae constructthree distinct retreats that differ in the configuration ofthe water entrance hole: (1) at the end of a silken tube, (2)flush with the top of the retreat, and (3) backed by a ~180-degreesilken backstop. To identify the proximate mechanism mediatingthis retreat polymorphism, we removed larvae of known phenotypefrom their original retreats and brought them into the laboratory,allowing them to construct new retreats. We found that (1) larvaecan construct more than one type of retreat, so variation inthis behavior is not under strict genetic control; (2) larvaedo not preferentially reconstruct their original retreat design,so these alternative behaviors apparently exhibit little heritability;and (3) larvae primarily construct each phenotype in a particularmicrohabitat (i.e., "tube" and "backstop" retreats are principallyconstructed on the downstream half of the snag, and "flush"retreats on the upstream–bottom quadrant). Therefore,the retreat polymorphism in M. carolina is phenotypically plasticand is controlled by microhabitat location or a correlated environmentalvariable. Most net-spinning caddisflies construct their netsin fairly specific microhabitats. However, behavioral plasticityallows M. carolina larvae to construct retreats all around asnag, thereby reducing potentially intense competition for spacewith other net-spinning caddisflies. Consequently, this maybe the ultimate reason this polymorphism evolved.
Keywords:artificial stream channel   behavioral plasticity   Hydropsychidae   interspecific competition   Macrostemum carolina   microhabitat selection   Trichoptera.
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