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Hormonal Control of Xylogenesis in Pith Parenchyma Explants of Lactuca
Affiliation:Istituto di Botanica, Universita di Bari Italia
Abstract:The time course of xylem differentiation was determined in explantsof lettuce pith parenchyma (Lactuca sativa L. cv. Romana) culturedon Murashige and Skoog (1962) medium using different concentrationsof auxin (IAA) and one cytokinin (zeatin or kinetin). Increasinglevels of auxin from I mg 1–1 to 15 mg 1–1 in thepresence of a constant level of a cytokinin (zeatin or kinetin)yielded up to 10 mg 1–1 IAA, an increase in the numberof tracheary element formations. Cytokinin concentrations aboveand below o.1 mg 1–1 interacting with an optimal xylogenicamount of auxin inhibited xylogenesis. The IAA (10 mg 1–1)-zeatin(0.1 mg 1–1) treatment produced the greatest number oftracheids, while kinetin compared to zeatin did not producesuch an effect. The different effectiveness of zeatin and kinetinin inducing tracheary element formations was not due to a differentcapacity of the two cytokinins to stimulate cell division butit seems likely that zeatin, because of interaction with IAA,is more active than kinetin in the determination of the dividingcells in a specific type of cytodifferentiation. The IAA (10mg 1–1)-zeatin (0.1 mg 1–1) treatment produced about6.9 per cent tracheids with respect to cell division while IAA(10 mg 1–1)-kinetin (0.1 mg 1–1) produced 4.2 percent. These results are discussed with reference to the problemsof hormonal control of xylem differentiation.
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