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The effect of fish and aquatic habitat complexity on amphibians
Authors:Tibor Hartel, Szilárd Nemes, Dan Cog&#  lniceanu, Kinga ?llerer, Oliver Schweiger, Cosmin-Ioan Moga  László Demeter
Affiliation:(1) Institute of Biology—Romanian Academy, Splaiul Independenţei 296, Bucharest, 060031, Romania;(2) School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Gothenburg, G?teborg, 41296, Sweden;(3) Faculty of Natural Sciences, University Ovidius Constanta, blv. Mamaia 124, Constanta, Romania;(4) Department of Community Ecology, UFZ—Centre for Environmental Research, Theodor-Lieser Strasse 4, Halle, 06120, Germany;(5) Biology-Geology Faculty, Babeş-Bolyai University, Str. Clinicilor 5–7, Cluj-Napoca, 400006, Romania;(6) Department of Technical and Nature Sciences, Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, Pţa. Libertăţii 1, Miercurea-Ciuc, 530104, Romania;(7) Present address: Mircea Eliade College, str. 1 Decembrie 1918, nr. 31, Sighişoara, 545400, Romania
Abstract:Fish introductions are considered one of the most widespread anthropogenic threats to aquatic ecosystems. Their negative impact on native amphibian communities has received increasing attention in recent years. We investigated the relationship between the introduced fish, emergent vegetation cover and native amphibians in man-made ponds generated by regulation and dam building along the Tarnava Mare Valley (Romania) during the last 40 years. We inventoried amphibians and fish inhabiting 85 permanent ponds and estimated habitat complexity focusing on emergent vegetation cover. Four amphibian species were found to be negatively associated with the presence of predatory fish. Species richness of ponds without fish and ponds without predatory fish did not differ significantly, whereas ponds containing only predatory fish had significantly lower amphibian richness. A significant positive relationship was found between the emergent vegetation cover and pond occupancy of six amphibian species and amphibian species richness. As a management recommendation, we suggest the restriction of fish introductions to non predatory fish and the maintenance of high emergent vegetation cover in the ponds. Handling editor: S. Declerck
Keywords:Introduced fish  Emergent aquatic vegetation cover  Amphibian conservation  Romania
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