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摘    要:高腹菌属(Gautieria Vitt.)是高腹菌目(Gautieriales)高腹菌科(Gautieriaceae)仅有的一个属。全世界已报道约30种(含变种)。国内尚未报道过本属。本文报道采自河北省承德地区的新种:以其子实体气味浓香,产孢组织腔较大,孢子大,顶端钝并具脐状凹和脐突等特征而有别于已报道的孢子大、子实体香的诸种,命名为承德高腹菌(Gautieria chengdensis Yingsp.nov.)

关 键 词:承德高腹菌  高腹菌属

Authors:Ying Jian-zhe
Abstract:Based on the specimens collected from Chengde in Hebei province,a new species,Gautieria chengdensie Ying is described and illustrated. The genus Gautieria Vitt.was separated from Hymenogaster Vitt.by Vittadini in 1831, because the type species——Gautieria morchelliformis Vitt.was supposed to be without a peridium.The order Gautieriales and the family Gautieriaceae represented by one genus Gautieria Vitt.was established by Zeller in 1948,because monogenus possesses the charac- ters of several other groups of Gasteromycetes,but differs so fundamentally from other genus that it cannot be classified logically with any of them.The fructifications follow the coralloid type of development and the gleba has gelatinous-cartilaginous consistency such as found in the Hysterangiales,but the gleba and spore does not partak of the phalloid nature of those of the latter.The peridium when presents in species of Gautieria does not have the gelatinous or cartilaginous layers found in the parts of the Hysterangiales.Though the spore type in the Gautieria is similar to those of Hymenogaster,Gymnoglossum,the develop- ment of the fruit body is different.Ding(1973)followed Zeller's concept and recognized the Gautieriales,Gautieriaceae represented by the monogenus Gautieria Vitt. The generic characteristics are as follows:fruit body subglobose to reniform,peri- dium thin,evenescent at maturity,glebe crtilaginous,with simple or branched columella, coralloid type of development,cavities often elongated,labyrinthiform,tramal plate gelati- nous-cartilaginous,basidia clavate,2-4 spored,spore colorsd(brown),ellipsoid,or ovoid, with longitudinal ribs.(CUNNINGHAM,1944;ZELLER and DODGE,1918;ZELLER, 1948). About 30 species and varieties have been described in the world.No record of Gautie- ria Vitt.has been reported in China.(TAI,1979). The characteristics of this species are:strong aromatic odor(muchroom);spore large, (18.1-)19.9-25.3(-29.6)×(10-)11.8-16.3(-19.2)μm,with 8-12 longitudinal ribs; large glebal chambers-up to 0.5-3mm broad;and spores with umblicate and umbonate apex,anastomose rare or none between ribs as seen by scanning electron micriscopy. This species is separated from Gautieria macrospora G.H.Cunn.by the larger,obtu- se apex,more ribs of the spores;larger chambers of the glaba;thicker tramal plate;and different fragrant smell.It also differs from G.fuegiana Hork in that the 2-4 spored basi- alia,larger basidia and spores;fusoid cystidia and different odor. Latin and Chinese diagnoses and illustrations including scanning electron micrographs of spores are given to the new species. Specimens cited are deposited in the Mycological Herbarium of the Institute of Micro- biology,Academia Sinica,Beijing,China.
Keywords:Gautieria chengdensis  Gautieria
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