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Improved sensitivity of profile searches through the use of sequence weights and gap excision
Authors:Thompson, Julie D.   Higgins, Desmond G.   Gibson, Toby J.
Affiliation:European Molecular Biology Laboratory Postfach 102209, Meyerhofstrasse 1, 69012 Heidelberg, Germany
Abstract:Position-specific substitution matrices, known as profiles,derived from multiple sequence alignments are currently usedto search sequence databases for distantly related members ofprotein families. The performance of the database searches isenhanced by using (i) a sequence weighting scheme which assignshigher weights to more distantly related sequences based onbranch lengths derived from phylogenetic trees, (ii) exclusionof positions with mainly padding characters at sites of insertionsor deletions and (iii) the BLOSUM62 residue comparison matrix.A natural consequence of these modifications is an improvementin the alignment of new sequences to the profiles. However,the accuracy of the alignments can be further increased by employinga similarity residue comparison matrix. These developments areimplemented in a program called PROFILEWEIGHT which runs onUnix and Vax computers. The only input required by the programis the multiple sequence alignment. The output from PROFILEWEIGHTis a profile designed to be used by existing searching and alignmentprograms. Test results from database searches with four differentfamilies of proteins show the improved sensitivity of the weightedprofiles.
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