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Construction and properties of hybrid plasmids carrying the E. coli gal operon.
Authors:T I Tikchonenko  L Z Faizullin  V N Kalinin  N N Granovsky  B S Naroditsky
Affiliation:D.I. Ivanovsky Institute of Virology, USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow 123098 U.S.S.R.
Abstract:A family of hybrid plasmids carrying the entire gal operon of E. coli and designated pgal was constructed in vitro. In the case of pgal 1 (mol. wt. 16.4 Md), a fragment cut by Bam HI endonuclease from lambda gal phage DNA (lambda D-J-gal-att-int) was joined to pMB9 and cloned in the gal-strain of E. coli, which was grown on selective media with galactose as a sole source of carbon. Plasmid pgal2 was derived from pgal 1 by elimination of the 1.1 Md fragment located between the two EcoRI sites and carrying the lambda att-int region and part of pMB9. To obtain pgal3, the 10.7 Md fragment of lambda DNA located between the two SmaI sites (lambda D-J and part of pMB9) in pgal2 was cut out and the resulting flush-end fragments were sealed by the T4DNA ligase. The mol. wt. of pgal3 containing one SmaI site amounted to 4.6 Md, while several pgal3 variants that had lost their SmaI site were still smaller. Plasmid pgal1 inhibited the growth of the gal- host cells, which effect could be overcome by the accompanying helper pMB9. The presence of pgal2 and pgal3 supported the growth and multiplication of gal- cells on selective media even without the helper plasmid. The total amount of pgal plasmid DNA per cell was constant and equalled 60--70 Md (4 copies of pgal1 or 15--16 copies of pgal3, ColE1 or pMB9). This might explain why the co-presence of pMB9 helper does alleviate the "harmful" effects of the plasmid pgal1 (which carries att-int genes), by reducing the copy number of the latter from four to one.
Keywords:Recombinant DNA  pMB9 plasmid  restriction maps  flush-end ligation  Md  megadations  mol. wt.  molecular weight(s)
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