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Processes of organic carbon in mangrove ecosystems
Authors:Ye Yong  Pang Baipeng  Chen Guangcheng  Chen Yan
Abstract:In addition to carbon accumulation in plants, processes of organic carbon in mangrove ecosystems include origins of sediment organic carbon, carbon fluxes between mangroves and their adjacent systems (coastal waters and atmosphere), and cycling processes. Sediment organic carbon originates from suspending solids in coastal waters, mangrove plants and benthic algae. In mangroves with low organic carbon content in sediments, tidal seawater is the main origin of sediment organic carbon, while in mangroves with high sediment organic carbon contents, sediment organic carbon mainly originates from mangrove plants. Due to tidal flush, there is large material exchange between mangrove ecosystems and their adjacent coastal waters. In China, exports of organic carbon in litter falls and dissolved organic carbon from mangroves to their adjacent coastal waters have not been documented. Processes of mangrove litter falls, including production, decomposition, export and animal consumption, determine linkages among organic carbon among mangrove plants, secondary production and coastal ocean. Consumers especially benthic animals may influence organic carbon in mangrove ecosystems, because (1) their consumption rates are high, and their selective feeding on some food sources will change the relative quantities of export, bury and mineralization of organic carbon from different origins; (2) their consumption is much more than assimilation, resulting in the changes in sizes, forms and qualities of non-assimilated organic matters, and then the changes in availability of export, consumption or mineralization of organic carbon. Respiration and sulfate reduction are important mineralization processes of organic carbon in mangrove sediments. Mineralization rates of organic carbon in mangrove sediments are influenced by quantities, activities and particle sizes of organic matters, and other factors such as forest ages, root activities and animal burrowing activities. Researches on processes of mangrove organic carbon should be based on open systems, and ecological processes of organic carbon should be coupled with vegetation restoration.
Keywords:Mangrove   Organic carbon   Ecological processes
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