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引用本文:兰存子,刘振生,王爱善,郑建清,刘群秀,夏菊兴. 圈养马来熊行为节律和时间分配的季节变化[J]. 生态学报, 2011, 31(16): 4689-4698
作者姓名:兰存子  刘振生  王爱善  郑建清  刘群秀  夏菊兴
作者单位:1. 东北林业大学野生动物资源学院,哈尔滨,150040
2. 东北林业大学野生动物资源学院,哈尔滨,150040;东北林业大学国家林业局野生动物保护学重点实验室,哈尔滨,150040
3. 上海动物园管理处,上海,200335
摘    要:2009年3-12月,分春、夏、秋、冬4个季节,采用人工观察和红外摄像记录观察2种方式,对上海动物园的圈养马来熊进行行为学研究。建立的行为谱包括休息、走动、踱步、乞食、采食、爬树、探寻、擦痒、玩耍、追逐、嗅闻、示警、打斗、爬跨、舔阴、交配和排泄,将相关行为合并后归纳成6类,即休息、运动、乞食、刻板、社群和其他行为。马来熊用于休息的时间最多,其次是运动和乞食行为。各行为具有不同程度的季节性差异,运动行为(F=62.748,P<0.001)和社群行为(F=26.041,P<0.001)季节性差异极显著,刻板行为(F=4.667,P<0.05)差异显著,休息行为(F=1.857,P>0.05)和乞食行为(F=1.180,P>0.05)差异不显著。圈养马来熊具有明显的日活动节律,00:00-5:00和20:00-24:00是马来熊的休息高峰,6:00开始活动量增大,8:00-9:00是马来熊的正常进食高峰,同时,运动、乞食、社群等行为逐渐增多,乞食行为集中在运动场10:00-15:00游客多的时段。18:00之后运动逐渐减少,进入休息状态。春夏昼间行为比较,运动和刻板行为(P<0.05)差异显著。年龄因素,春季对休息、运动和刻板行为影响特别显著(P<0.001),社群和乞食行为的影响显著(P<0.05),夏季对乞食行为影响特别显著(P<0.001),运动、刻板和社群行为影响显著(P<0.05)。性别因素,春季对社群行为影响极显著(P<0.001),休息、乞食和其他行为影响显著(P<0.05),夏季只对社群行为影响显著(P<0.05)。秋冬间各行为差异不显著,室内和运动场的行为对比表明,刻板和休息多在室内,运动行为多在运动场,室内和运动场秋季的运动行为和社群行为差异显著(P<0.05),冬季的刻板行为差异极显著(P<0.001)。

关 键 词:马来熊  圈养  行为谱  行为节律  时间分配

Behavior rhythm and seasonal variation of time budget of sun bear (Helarctos malayanus) in captivity
LAN Cunzi,LIU Zhensheng,WANG Aishan,ZHENG Jianqing,LIU Qunxiu and XIA Juxing. Behavior rhythm and seasonal variation of time budget of sun bear (Helarctos malayanus) in captivity[J]. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2011, 31(16): 4689-4698
Authors:LAN Cunzi  LIU Zhensheng  WANG Aishan  ZHENG Jianqing  LIU Qunxiu  XIA Juxing
Affiliation:College of Wildlife Resources, Northeast Forestry University,College of Wildlife Resources, Northeast Forestry University,,,,
Abstract:From March to December 2009, we investigated the behavior of captive sun bears (Helarctos malayanus) at Shanghai Zoo using manual observation and infrared cameras in order to supplement valuable information for captive management of this species. Ethograms were composed of resting, locomotion, pacing, begging, feeding, climbing, exploring, rubbing, playing, chase, sniffing, warning, fighting, mounting, cunnilingus, mating, and elimination. These behaviors were categorized as resting, locomotion, begging, stereotyped (e.g., pacing or waving), social, or other behaviors for comparison and analysis. Each animal was scanned every 6 min by one observer between 8:30 and 16:30 and by infrared camera recordings for a period of 24 hours. Observations were carried out on 5 bears (3 males and 2 females) during spring and summer, and 6 bears (4 males and 2 females) during autumn and winter. The bears ranged in age from 5 to 13 years. Sun bears spent more time resting (45.66%) in the daytime (from 8:30 to 16:30), followed by locomotion (30.01%) and begging (12.29%). Sun bears showed different patterns of activity across seasons. Locomotion(F=62.748,P<0.001)and social behavior(F=26.041,P<0.001)varied significantly among seasons. Locomotion was lower during spring and summer, and lowest in summer (13.96%). Locomotion was significantly higher during autumn and winter, and highest in autumn (43.99%). Social behavior was highest during spring and summer. Stereotyped behavior differed significantly among seasons (F=4.667, P<0.05)and was highest in spring (7.65%) and lowest in summer (0.69%). No significant differences were found in resting(F=1.857, P>0.05)and begging(F=1.180, P>0.05)among different seasons. There were significant differences in the proportions of locomotion (P=0.002) and stereotyped behavior (P=0.001) between spring and summer. Sun bears exhibited significantly higher levels of locomotion and stereotyped behavior in spring than in summer. There was no significant difference between autumn and winter in the remaining six types of behaviors. Sun bears showed different daily patterns of activities in captivity. Resting behavior exhibited a "W" type curve on a daily basis. Resting was recorded mainly from 00:00-5:00 hrs and from 20:00-24:00 hrs. Activity generally began around 6:00 hrs, and a peak in feeding was recorded at 8:00-8:54 hrs. During the same time intervals, locomotion, begging, and social behaviors gradually increased. The bears were housed in cages to which access was available from playground. In the playground, peaks of begging occurred around 10:00 and 16:00 hrs when there were many tourists in Shanghai Zoo. Activity gradually declined after 19:00 hrs as resting increased. Comparison of behaviors by age class during spring and summer indicated that age was a significant variable affecting resting, locomotion, social, begging and stereotyped behaviors. Males showed significantly more social behavior (in spring: P=0.000, in summer: P=0.002) than females. Activity levels were higher in the playground than in cages. Resting and stereotyped behaviors mainly occurred in cages, and locomotion mostly occurred in the playground. Resting behavior in cages plotted a curve of the "W" type on a daily basis. Our study showed that the behavior of sun bear is influenced by season, sex, and presence of visitors.
Keywords:sun bear (Helarctos malayanus)   captive   ethogram   behavior rhythm   time budget
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