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Nucleotide sequence of the gene for the ferrienterochelin receptor FepA in Escherichia coli. Homology among outer membrane receptors that interact with TonB
Authors:M D Lundrigan  R J Kadner
Abstract:We have determined the nucleotide sequence of the Escherichia coli fepA gene, which codes for the outer membrane receptor for ferrienterochelin and colicins B and D. The predicted FepA polypeptide has a molecular weight of 79,908 and consists of 723 amino acids. A 22-amino acid leader or signal peptide preceded the mature protein. With respect to overall composition, hydropathy, net charge and distribution of nonpolar segments, the FepA polypeptide was typical of other E. coli outer membrane proteins, except that FepA contained 2 cysteine residues. Comparison of the deduced amino acid sequence of FepA with that of three other TonB-dependent receptors (BtuB, FhuA, and IutA) revealed only a few regions of sequence homology; one of these included the amino-termini. An amino acid substitution within the conserved amino-terminal region of BtuB resulted in production of a receptor that had normal binding functions but was incapable of energy-dependent transport of vitamin B12. This result suggests that the amino-terminal end of these four polypeptides is involved in interaction with the TonB protein or another step of energy transduction. Three other regions of homology were shared among the four proteins: one near residues 50 to 70, another at about residue 100 to 140, and the last between 20 and 40 amino acid residues from the carboxyl terminus. The function of these three regions remains speculative.
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