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Auxin-gibberellin relationships in their effects on hypocotyl elongation of light-grown cucumber seedlings. Responses of sections to auxin, gibberellin and sucrose
Authors:Kazama, Haruko   Katsumi, Masayuki
Affiliation:Biology Department, International Christian University Mitaka, Tokyo 181, Japan
Abstract:The sensitivity of light-grown cucumber hypocotyl sections toIAA and GA3 depends on the degree of aging of the tissue. Agreater response to GA3 was obtained with young tissue, whilethat to IAA was obtained with relatively old tissue. The responseto IAA reached a maximum at about 15 hr of incubation; the youngerthe tissue the earlier the time of maximum response. The responseto GA3 continued for more than 70 hr with a constant growthrate. Very young tissue started to respond to GA3 without lagtime; the older the tissue the later the start of the response. Sucrose (2%) inhibited IAA-induced elongation, while there wasa distinct synergism between GA3 and sucrose. The promotiveeffect of sucrose on GA3-induced elongation was also obtainedwhen sections were pretreated with sucrose, then transferredto GA3. Mannitol (1%) strongly inhibited IAA-induced elongation,but not GA3-induced elongation. (Received December 6, 1972; )
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