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Authors:THOMPSON, T. E.   JARMAN, G. M.
Affiliation:Zoology Department, University of Bristol U. K. BS8 1UG
Abstract:Autotrophic nutrition plays an important role in adult Tridachiacrispata in the western Atlantic Ocean and results from an endosymbioticassociation between the sacoglossan and the kleptoplastids ofChlorophyta. A series of living specimens 7-80 mm in length was studied inthe laboratory. After a body length of 10 mm has been attained,the parapodial lobes of the two sides meet and fuse. Microscopicexamination of faecal strings of specimens undergoing this transitionrevealed that algal remains were produced only by juvenilesless than 13 mm long. Larger specimens defaecated only rarelyand the diminutive faecal strings contained no recognizablealgal debris. This transition probably parallels the physiologicaltransition between juvenile heterotrophic nutrition and adultautotrophic nutrition. Microscopic examination of the radulae of transitional specimensshowed no diminution of the size, number or morphology of theteeth. This indicates that in an emergency heterotrophic nutritionmay be resumed. Growth rates of Tridachia were measured in the laboratory, withand without light and the provision of algal foods. Unfed animalslost weight rather rapidly in captivity, whereas those fed uponsuitable algae (Halimeda discoidea, Caulerpa verticillata, C.racemosa and Chaetomorpha sp) did not.Caulerpa sertularioideswas suitable for food for a limited time, but proved toxic afterabout a week. Of the other species tested, Caulerpa verticillatawas the least suitable, while Halimeda, Chaetomorpha and Caulerparacemosa were the best. Ironically, C. verticillata was theonly one of the algal species tested which is known to be takenin the natural diet in Floridean waters. These experiments confirmedthat heterotrophic feeding will be resumed in Tridachia if theculture-conditions do not favour autotrophic nutrition.
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