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Effects of psi-mutations on the Oviposition Rhythm of Drosophila rajasekari
Authors:C. Vanlalnghaka   B. F. Pillai  V. L. Keny  R. J. Barnabas  S. J. Pandit  D. S. Joshi
Abstract:The psi -mutations affected the circadian rhythm of locomotor activity in the early and late strains of Drosophila rajasekari (Joshi, 1999a). The present study was designed to determine the effects of psi -mutations on the oviposition rhythm of the early and late strains. Oviposition rhythms were studied in light-dark cycles of 12 :12 h in which the light intensity of photophase was 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100 or 1000 lux. The oviposition rhythm of wild type was unimodal at or above 10 lux with a peak before lights-off, while it was bimodal at lower light intensities. The early strain was unimodal at all light intensities with a peak after lights-on at or above 10 lux, and around the mid-day at or below 1lux. The late strain was rhythmic at 100 and 1000 lux with a peak after the lights-off, weakly rhythmic at 10 lux and arrhythmic at or below 1 lux. Free running period in constant darkness was shortest in the early and longest in the late strain. Threshold light intensity of constant light to generate arrhythmicity was lowest in the early and highest in the late strain, apparently the photic sensitivity of the clock photoreceptors was differentially altered by these mutations. Thus the psi -mutations for locomotor rhythmicity affected the oviposition rhythm too, suggesting that the same circadian oscillator might be controlling these both rhythms.
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