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引用本文:张 梅. 辽东半岛仙人洞自然保护区植物区系多样性分析[J]. 西北植物学报, 2014, 34(8): 1693-1698
作者姓名:张 梅
作者单位:(辽东学院 城市建设学院,辽宁丹东 118003)
摘    要:物种多样性分析与研究对于全球生物多样性保护具有重要的意义,运用植物地理学理论,结合外业调查、多样性指数、相关分析和聚类模型等方法,对辽宁仙人洞植物区系多样性进行定量分析,以揭示山地区系生物多样性的特点及规律。结果表明:(1)本区野生植物种类组成丰富,共有维管植物109科379属803种,其中蕨类植物13科17属39种,裸子植物5科12属18种,被子植物91科350属746种,优势科现象明显,单种属和少种属占比率较高,表现出一定古老残遗性;种的区系分布型多样,区系组成复杂,但特有现象不明显;温带成分占主体,表明本区温带植物区系历史起源。(2)仙人洞与邻近山地相比较,植物区系Shannon-Wiener指数差异明显(1.736~2.053),其中仙人洞和徂徕山较高,白石砬子和长白山较低,而Simpson指数差异并不明显(0.711 4~0.825 3)。(3)经相关性分析,不同山地植物区系之间相似程度显著(P0.01),相关系数达0.811~0.997,聚类分析显示仙人洞、凤凰山、千山、五台山及小五台山区系关系较近,支持仙人洞划归华北植物区系山地植物亚地区较为合适。

关 键 词:植物地理  区系多样性  聚类分析  仙人洞  辽宁

Plant Floristic Diversity in Xianrendong Natural Reserve from Liaodong Peninsula
ZHANG Mei. Plant Floristic Diversity in Xianrendong Natural Reserve from Liaodong Peninsula[J]. Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalia Sinica, 2014, 34(8): 1693-1698
Authors:ZHANG Mei
Abstract:Understanding diversity is a hot topic in global ecology because of its significance to biodiversity conservation.To investigate the plant floristic diversity of Xianrendong in Liaoning Province,we conducted plot survey,floristic spectrum,diversity index,correlation analysis and cluster analysis.The results showed that:(1)It is abundant in species composition in Xianrendong,vascular plant consists of 803 species in 379 genera and 109 families,among which,39 species were of fern plants,belonging to 13 families and 17 genera,18 species were of gymnosperm,belonging to 5 families and 12 genera,and 746 species were of angiosperms,belonging to 91 families and 350 genera.It is notable in dominant family,the single-species and few-species genera of angiosperm are rich,which shows some relict phenomenon.The types of distribution are various and complex,the flora is ancient and it has not obvious phenomenon of endemic genera and species;the dominance of temperate elements is obvious and tropical elements are less.This means that it has something in common with tropical flora.(2)Compared with adjacent mountains,floristic Shannon-Wiener index are obvious differences,while Simpson index are not.Shannon-Wiener index of Xianrendong and Culaishan are quite high,Changbaishan and Baishilazi are not.(3)According to the relativity of different mountains flora,their correlation is significant at the 0.01 level,and the coefficients are between 0.811 and 0.997.Cluster analysis showed similarity between Xianrendong and Fenghuangshan,Qianshan,Wutaishan and Xiaowutaishan.The present data indicated that Xianrendong should belong to North China flora.These findings should guide conservation and management efforts to maintain species diversity.
Keywords:phytogeography  floristic diversity  cluster analysis  Xianrendong  Liaoning
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