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Permeability of bilayer lipid membranes for superoxide (O2) radicals
Authors:Renata A. Gus'kova   Ilya I. Ivanov   Vitalij K. Kol'tover   Victor V. Akhobadze  Andrew B. Rubin
Affiliation:Department of Biophysics, School of Biology, Moscow State University, Moscow 119899 U.S.S.R.
Abstract:Egg yolk phosphatidylcholine monolamellar liposomes (1000 Å in diameter) loaded with cytochrome c were placed into an external solution, in which superoxide radicals, O2, were generated by a xanthine-xanthine oxidase system. The penetration of the superoxide radicals across the liposomal membrane was detected by cytochrome c reduction in the inner liposome compartment. The effects of modifiers and temperature on this process were studied. The permeability of liposomal membrane for O2(PO2 = (7.6 ± 0.3) · 10-8 cm/s), or HO2 (PHO2 = 4.9 · 10-4 cm/s) were determined. The effect of the transmembrane electric potential (K+ concentration gradient, valinomycin) on the permeability of liposomal membranes for O2 were investigated. It was found that O2 can penetrate across liposomal membrane in an uncharged form. The feasibility of penetration of superoxide radicals through liposomal membrane, predominantly via anionic channels, was demonstrated by the use of an intramolecular cholesterol-amphotericin B complex.
Keywords:Membrane permeability   Superoxide radical   (Bilayer)
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