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Composition and community structure of the coralline algal reefs from Atol das Rocas, South Atlantic, Brazil
Authors:D. F. M. Gherardi  D. W. J. Bosence
Affiliation:Programa HIDRO, OBT/INPE, Av. dos Astronautas, 1758, S?o José dos Campos, SP,12227-010, Brazil e-mail: douglas@ltid.inpe.br, BR
Department of Geology, Royal Holloway University of London, Egham Hill, Egham, Surrey, TW20 0EX, UK, GB
Abstract: Coralline-algal frameworks from Atol das Rocas reefs were sampled along windward and leeward transects, and multivariate statistical analysis was used to investigate the composition and community structure of the encrusting community. The following components of the reefs were identified in slabbed and polished reef blocks sampled along each transect: encrusting coralline algae dominated by Porolithon cf. pachydermum, vermetid gastropods, Homotrema rubrum, acervulinid foraminiferans, molluscs, corals, polychaete tubes, clionid sponge borings, polychaete/sipunculid borings, cemented sediments, and growth cavities. Q-mode cluster analysis correctly classified 78% of all windward samples and 69% of all leeward samples, and R-mode separated reef components adapted to high wave energy environments from those adapted to low wave energy. Separate classification and ordination of samples from each transect indicate that seriation breakdown occurs in the windward reef between 25 and 45 m from the reef front. In the leeward reef between 75 and 90 m from the leeward reef front, seriation breakdown was not found to be significant. These results confirm that seriation (zonation) is best developed in the windward reef, as has been documented in coral-dominated reefs. Accepted: 28 February 2000
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