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引用本文:郝露萍 杜若甫. 客家人的红细胞血型分布[J]. 人类学学报, 1993, 12(3): 255-263
作者姓名:郝露萍 杜若甫
作者单位:中国科学院遗传研究所,中国科学院遗传研究所 北京 100101,北京 100101
摘    要:对父母双方上溯三代均为客家人的广东梅县200名 (其中男89人,女111人) 健康学生进行了红细胞血型ABO,MNSs,Rh,Kidd,Duffy,Diego,Xg,Lewis及P等系统的分布调查。结果显示,客家人的基因频率S=0.0250,NS=0,pl=0.0917和Fyb=0.0300,都是汉族人群中最低的。其它基因频率为r=0.6632,p=0.1863,q=0.1505;m=0.5250,n=0.4750,MS=0.0250,Ms=0.5000,Ns=0.4750,s=0.9750;C=0.6575,D=1.0000,E=0.1515,CDe=0.6226,cDE=0.1200,cDe=0.2189,CDE=0.0389;JKa=0.4642,JKb=0.4881,JK=0.0477;Fya=0.9700;Dia=0.0202,Dib=0.9798;Xga=0.3633,Xg=0.6367;P2=0.9083。发现了国内第二例Jk(a-b-)表型,未发现MNS型,NS型,NSs型,CCDEE型,CcDEE型,Fy(a-)型和Rho(-)型。Le(a+b-)型29人,Le(a+b+)型2人,Le(a-b+)型67人,Le(a-b-)型102人。客家人与国内19个群体的遗传距离计算结果表明,与客家人遗传距离最近的是福建汉族、湖南苗族、贵州汉族及广西侗族,其次为河南汉族、黑龙江汉族、陕西汉族,福建畲族及上海汉族,而与云南白族、辽宁满族、甘肃汉族、广西瑶族、广西壮族、内蒙汉族及四川彝族的遗传距离较远。与客家人遗传距离最远的是湖南土家族、海南苗族及海南黎族。

关 键 词:红细胞血型;基因频率;遗传距离;客家人;汉族  

Hao Luping Du Ruofu. THE DISTRIBUTION OF RED CELL BLOOD GROUPS IN HAKKAS[J]. Acta Anthropologica Sinica, 1993, 12(3): 255-263
Authors:Hao Luping Du Ruofu
Abstract:The distribution of red cell blood group systems, including ABO, MNSs, Rh, Kidd, Duffy, Diego, Xg, Lewis and P was investigated on 200 healthy Hakka students whose parents and grandparents are Hakkas too. The frequencies of 14 alleles and 11 haplotypes of 10 blood group loci showed that the gene frequencies 5(0.0250), NS(0), P(0.0917) and Fyb(0.0300) in Hakka appeared to be the lowest among Han subpopulations. Other gene frequencies were as follows: r= 0.6632, p= 0.1863, q= 0.1505; m= 0.5250, n= 0.4750, MS= 0.0250, Ms= 0.5000, Ns= 0.4750, s= 0.9750; C= 0.6575, D= 1.0000, E= 0.1515, CDe= 0.6226, cDE= 0.1200, cDe= 0.2189, CDE= 0.0389; Jka= 0.4642, Jkb= 0.4881, Jk = 0.0477; Fya = 0.9700; Dia = 0.0202, Dib = 0.9798; Xga = 0.3633, Xg = 0.6367; P2 = 0.9083. A Jk(a-b-) type was found. At the same time, no MNS, NS, NSs, CCDEE, CcDEE, Fy(a-) and Rh0(-) types were observed. The Lewis system showed the following phenotype distribution: Le(a+b-) 29 (14.5% ), Le (a+b+) 2 (1.0% ), Le(a-b+) 67 (33.5% ) and Le(a-b-) 102(51.0%).The genetic distance between Hakka and 19 populations in China showed that the Hakka is genetically close to Han in Fujian and Guizhou, Miao in Hunan and Dong in Guangxi, and quite close to Han in Henan, Heilongjiang, Shaanxi, Shanghai and Shezu in Fujian. At the same time, the Hakka is genetically far from Han in Inner Mongolia and Gansu, as well as Zhuang and Yao in Guangxi, Yi in Sichuan, Bai in Yunnan and Man in Liaoning, and has the farthest genetic distance with Li and Miao in Hainan, and Tujia in Hunan.
Keywords:Red cell blood groups  Han  Hakka  Gene frequency  Genetic distance
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