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Locomotion of Fundulus Deep Cells during Gastrulation
Institution:Department of Biology, Yale University New Haven, Connecticut 06520 and Marine Biological Laboratory Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543
Department of Zoology, University of California Davis, Davis, California 95616 and Marine Biological Laboratory Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543
Abstract:SYNOPSIS. Mechanism of locomotion of deep cells of Fundulusheteroclitus was studied in vivo during gastrulation with theaid of time lapse cinemicrography (Nomarski differential interferencecontrast optics), scanning electron microscopy of cells knownto be moving at the time of fixation, and cell culture. Theseare our findings. 1) Deep cells usually move rapidly, at about10–15 µ/min, regardless of whether they move byblebbing or spreading. Evidence suggests that this high speedis associated with weak adhesion of the trailing edge: it remainsrounded, without large retraction fibers, and it advances continuouslywith advance of the leading edge, not sporadically, as it wouldif it adhered strongly. 2) In contrast, when stationary cellsin close contact separate, they remain connected by retractionfibers, suggesting strong punctate adhesions. 3) Locomotionby shortening of a long lobopodium is really a form of spreadingmovement; the tip of a lobopodium always spreads. Also, sincespeed of shortening decreases with continuance, it may dependprimarily on elastic recoil rather than active contraction.4) Fundulus deep cells appear to move in two ways: a) protrusionof blebs, followed by much cytoplasmic flow; b) protrusion oflamellipodia, accompanied by filopodia and frequent cell shortening.5) Filopodia were not found except at the leading edge of aspreading lamellipodium and often spread themselves; perhapsfilopodia and lamellipodia are interconvertible. 6) A lamellipodialmargin may form undulations in vivo that move backward likeruffles in vitro. 7) At all times, whether stationary or moving,the surface of deep cells is smooth, raising unanswered questionsconcerning the source of surface for their rapid protrusiveactivity.
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