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Intracellular distribution and origin of sterols in Calendula officinalis leaves
Authors:Wirginia Janiszowska  Zofia Kasprzyk
Affiliation:Institute of Biochemistry, University of Warsaw, 02-089 Warszawa, al. Z? wirki i Wigury 93, Poland
Abstract:In Calendula officinalis leaves 66% of all steryl forms are present in the ‘microsomal fraction’ (IV), 24% in the mitochondrial and Golgi membranes (III), 5% in the ‘chloroplast’ (II), 4% in the ‘cell wall and membrane’ (I) fraction and 1%. in the cytosol. Free sterols, their esters, glycosides and acylated glycosides are present in varying proportions in all cellular subtractions. Mevalonate-[214C] labelling of sterols derived from various steryl forms showed that free sterols and all their derivatives, i.e. steryl esters and glucosides, are formed in fraction IV and are then translocated to other organelles. Fraction III is the main site of glycosylation of transported sterols as well as of acylation of steryl glycosides.
Keywords:Compositae  intracellular distribution  labelling dynamics  free sterols and their derivatives.
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