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Structure of beef liver catalase
Authors:Mathur R.N. Murthy  Thomas J. Reid  Andrew Sicignano  Nobuo Tanaka  Michael G. Rossmann
Affiliation:Departments of Biological Sciences and Biochemistry Purdue University, West Lafayette, Ind. 47907, U.S.A.
Abstract:The three-dimensional structure of beef liver catalase has been determined to 2.5 å resolution by a combination of isomorphous and molecular replacement techniques. Heavy-atom positions were found using vector search and difference Fourier methods. The tetrameric catalase molecule has 222 symmetry with one of its dyads coincident with a crystallographic 2-fold axis. The known polypeptide sequence has been unambiguously fitted to the electron density map. The heme is well buried in a hydrophobic pocket, 20 Å below the surface of the molecule, and accessible through a hydrophobic channel. Residues that line the heme pocket belong to two different subunits. Tyr357 is the proximal heme ligand and the catalytically important residues on the distal side are residues His74 and Asnl47. The tertiary structure consists of four domains: an extended non-globular amino-terminal arm, which stabilizes the quaternary structure; an anti-parallel, eight-stranded β-barrel providing the residues on the distal side of the heme; a rather random “wrapping domain” around the subunit exterior including the proximal heme ligand; and a final λ-helical structure resembling the E, F, G and H helices of the globins.
Keywords:dimercury acetate  m.i.r.  multiple isomorphous replacement
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