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Electron transfer from Cyt b 559 and tyrosine-D to the S2 and S3 states of the water oxidizing complex in photosystem II at cryogenic temperatures
Authors:Yashar Feyziyev  Zsuzsanna Deák  Stenbjörn Styring  Gábor Bernát
Affiliation:1. Institute of Botany, 40 Patamdar Shosse, AZ-1073, Baku, Azerbaijan
2. Photochemistry and Molecular Science; Department for Chemistry – ?ngstr?m Laboratory, Uppsala University, Box 523, 75120, Uppsala, Sweden
3. Institute of Plant Biology, Biological Research Center, 6726, Szeged, Hungary
4. Plant Biochemistry, Ruhr-University Bochum, 44780, Bochum, Germany
Abstract:The Mn4CaO5 cluster of photosystem II (PSII) catalyzes the oxidation of water to molecular oxygen through the light-driven redox S-cycle. The water oxidizing complex (WOC) forms a triad with TyrosineZ and P680, which mediates electrons from water towards the acceptor side of PSII. Under certain conditions two other redox-active components, TyrosineD (YD) and Cytochrome b 559 (Cyt b 559) can also interact with the S-states. In the present work we investigate the electron transfer from Cyt b 559 and YD to the S2 and S3 states at 195 K. First, YD ? and Cyt b 559 were chemically reduced. The S2 and S3 states were then achieved by application of one or two laser flashes, respectively, on samples stabilized in the S1 state. EPR signals of the WOC (the S2-state multiline signal, ML-S2), YD ? and oxidized Cyt b 559 were simultaneously detected during a prolonged dark incubation at 195 K. During 163 days of incubation a large fraction of the S2 population decayed to S1 in the S2 samples by following a single exponential decay. Differently, S3 samples showed an initial increase in the ML-S2 intensity (due to S3 to S2 conversion) and a subsequent slow decay due to S2 to S1 conversion. In both cases, only a minor oxidation of YD was observed. In contrast, the signal intensity of the oxidized Cyt b 559 showed a two-fold increase in both the S2 and S3 samples. The electron donation from Cyt b 559 was much more efficient to the S2 state than to the S3 state.
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