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Mycorrhizal associations in Pinus massoniana Lamb. and Pinus elliottii Engel. inoculated with Pisolithus tinctorius
Authors:Paul C. F. Tam
Affiliation:(1) Department of Botany, University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong
Abstract:Dichotomous mycorrhizas were induced in Pinus massoniana and Pinus elliottii seedlings inoculated with Pisolithus tinctorius growing under non-axenic conditions. Six months after inoculation, Pinus massoniana seedlings exhibited a higher degree of infection, bore more mycorrhizas and had developed more abundant extramatrical mycelium than seedlings of Pinus elliottii. Nevertheless, seedlings of Pinus massoniana were stunted and exhibited chorosis of the needles, indicating a possible nutrient deficiency. Histological examination of these pine mycorrhizas showed an ectomycorrhizal association typical of gymnosperms with an intercellular Harting net penetrating between several layers of cortical cells close to the endodermis. However, strong polyphenolic reactions, intracellular hyphae and wall modifications were occasionally observed, indicating that both host-tissue incompatibility and ectendomycorrhizal association can occur in pine species under stressed conditions.
Keywords:Pinus massoniana  Pinus elliottii  Pisolithus tinctorius  Ectomycorrhizas  Ectendomycorrhizas
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