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Larval and osteological development of the mote sculpin (Normanichthys crockeri) (Pisces:Normanichthyidae) from the Independencia Bight, Pisco, Peru
Authors:Velez  J A; Watson  W; Sandknop  E M; Arntz  W; Wolff  M
Institution:1 Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Columbusstrasse, D-27568 Bremerhaven, Germany, 2 National Marine Fisheries Service, Southwest Fisheries Science Center 8604 La Jolla Shores Drive, CA 92038, USA and 3 Center for Tropical Marine Ecology, Fahrenheitstrasse 6, 28359 Bremen, Germany
Abstract:Ontogeny of Normanichthys crockeri is described and illustratedbased on 66 specimens (1.9–20.5 mm; including recentlyhatched larvae through to the transformation stage) collectedin Bahia Independencia, Pisco, Peru. Larvae hatch at approximately1.8 mm, undergo notochord flexion at ca. 6.2–9.0 mm, andtransform to juveniles at ca. 20.0 mm. Larvae were identifiedby the series method, using a combination of meristic and developmentalcharacters that permitted definitive identification. Diagnosticfeatures of the larvae include early development of large, lightlypigmented pectoral fins; early dorsal midline pigment on thetrunk and tail which decreases gradually to none by the beginningof the flexion stage and does not reappear until late postflexionstage; and pigment ventrally, on the midlines of the abdominaland postanal regions, on the preanal until late postflexionstage, at the angular, on the caudal region, and usually atthe cleithrum. Larvae are moderately slender with preanal lengthroughly half of body length (ca. 40–53% body length).They have I,5 pelvic-fin rays, 7+6 principal caudal-fin raysand 36–37 myomeres (11–13+24–26, usually 13+24).The cleithra and bones of the jaws and opercular series areamong the first to begin ossifying. The anterior vertebrae beginto ossify at ca. 5.0 mm and addition is posteriorly. The pectoralfin is the first to begin ray formation, followed sequentiallyby the principal caudal-fin rays, second dorsal- and anal-finrays (forming concurrently), spiny dorsal-fin rays, and pelvic-finrays.
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