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Growth,survival, and metal content of marsh invertebrates fed diets of detritus from Spartina alterniflora Loisel. and Phragmites australis Cav. Trin. ex Steud. from metal-contaminated and clean sites
Authors:Weis  Judith S.  Windham  Lisamarie  Santiago-Bass  Celine  Weis  Peddrick
Affiliation:(1) Department of Biological Sciences, Rutgers University, Newark, New Jersey, 07102;(2) Langan Engineering and Environmental Services, Elmwood Park, New Jersey, 07407;(3) Department of Anatomy, Cell Biology & Injury Science, NJ Medical School, Newark, New Jersey, 07103
Abstract:Marsh vegetation plays an important role in trophic ecology of estuaries. Once broken down to detritus, it is an important food source for manyorganisms. In Atlantic Coast marshes, the reed Phragmites australis hasbeen invading many areas once dominated by smooth cordgrass, Spartina alterniflora. In this study we evaluated the growth of and trophictransfer of metals to estuarine invertebrates when fed diets of detritus fromthese different plant species. Decaying leaves from populations of Phragmites, natural Spartina, and restored Spartina from boththe Hackensack Meadowlands, New Jersey, and the more pristineAccabonac Harbor of East Hampton, New York, were collected from themarsh surface in the spring. Decaying leaves were pureed and fed to thefiddler crabs Uca pugnax and U. pugilator, and to the grassshrimp Palaemonetes pugio. In fiddler crabs we monitored limbregeneration, molting and weight. U. pugilator regenerated limbs andmolted equally well on all six diets. Most of the U. pugnax arrestedgrowth midway through regeneration on all 6 diets. A repeat experimentwith smaller crabs, which did complete the process, found no consistentdifferences among the six diets and control food, although control food andPhragmites detritus had higher N concentrations than the Spartinadetritus. Grass shrimp fed all six diets did not survive beyond 3 weeks. Inanother experiment using HM sediments from each vegetation type(containing detritus, meiofauna, and microflora), survival was equally highamong treatments and the shrimp fed sediments from the restored Spartina site or control food grew better than those fed sediments fromthe Phragmites or natural Spartina sites. Although metalconcentrations in detritus varied between sites and plant species, the crabsof each group did not differ in metal concentrations after the feedingexperiment. Our data do not support the general assumption that Phragmites leaf detritus is of poorer nutritional quality than Spartinaalterniflora leaf detritus to estuarine consumers.
Keywords:crab  detritus  diet  growth  metal  Phragmites  regeneration  shrimp  Spartina  survival
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