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Plant recruitment bottlenecks in temperate forest fragments: seed limitation and insect herbivory
Authors:Amy B. McEuen  Lisa M. Curran
Affiliation:(1) Biology Department, University of Illinois at Springfield, HSB MS 223, One University Plaza, Springfield, IL, USA;(2) Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies, 370 Prospect St., New Haven, CT, USA
Abstract:Numerous studies have documented declines in plant diversity in response to habitat loss in fragmented landscapes. However, determining the mechanisms that lead to species loss is challenging using solely a correlative approach. Here we link correlative assessments of plant community composition with seed additions for a focal species to test the hypothesis that distributions of forests plants within a fragmented landscape are limited by seed dispersal. Woody plant species richness of fragments declined as fragments (n=26) became more isolated by agricultural fields. We predicted that if these isolation effects were driven by poor dispersal rather than other effects associated with habitat loss, then plants should vary in their response to isolation in relation to their seed size (i.e., stronger effects for plants with larger seeds). As predicted under this dispersal limitation hypothesis, sensitivity of bird-dispersed shrubs to isolation was related to their seed mass, with species with heavy seeds (e.g., Lindera benzoin) exhibiting stronger declines in presence across isolation gradients than species with light seeds. Seed addition experiments were performed for Lindera benzoin in two high isolation forest fragments (nearest neighbor mean distance=803 m) where Lindera was naturally absent, and two low isolation fragments (nearest neighbor mean distance=218 m) with naturally occurring Lindera populations. Seed addition and control plots (n=50 1 m2 plots per fragment) were monitored for 13 censuses over 3 years. Across all four fragments, seed additions resulted in significant increases in Lindera seedling recruitment with no differences in final seedling establishment among fragments. However, insect herbivory was higher on Lindera seedlings in high isolation compared to low isolation fragments and was negatively correlated with seedling survival over some years. Consistent with prior work, our results confirm that seed dispersal plays a significant role in affecting plant diversity in fragmented landscapes. However, results also suggest the need for a better understanding of how additional processes, such as herbivory, may be altered as habitat is lost and what effects such changes have for forest plants.
Keywords:Habitat fragmentation  Lindera benzoin  Northen hardwood forest  Seed limitation  Seed size  Seedling recruitment
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