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Contractile properties of cat skeletal muscle after repetitive stimulation
Authors:Hatcher, D. D.   Luff, A. R.
Affiliation:Department of Physiology, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, Australia.
Abstract:The isometric and force-velocity properties of the fast-twitch flexor digitorum longus (FDL) and slow-twitch soleus muscles were investigated immediately after and during recovery from a fatiguing stimulus regime (40 Hz for 330 ms every second for 180 s) in the anesthetized cat. The amplitude of the isometric twitch of FDL was unaffected but in soleus it remained depressed for much of the recovery period. Immediately after stimulation the twitch time to peak of FDL increased to 140% of the control (prefatigue) value and then reverted to control values. The maximum isometric tetanic tension (Po) developed by FDL was reduced to 67% of control values immediately after the stimulus regime, whereas soleus declined to 93% of control. Recovery of maximum force development was achieved after 45 min in FDL and after 15 min in soleus. The maximum speed of shortening of FDL was reduced to 63% of control values immediately after fatigue; despite some recovery within the first 30 min, it remained depressed during the remainder of the recovery period (up to 300 min). Maximum speed of shortening was unaltered in soleus. The a/Po value transiently increased to 176% of control values in FDL immediately after the fatigue regime but promptly returned to control values. Force-velocity properties of soleus were not affected by the stimulus regime. It is concluded that in FDL changes in the maximum speed of shortening and maximum isometric tension as a result of the stimulus regime are attributable to changes in the intrinsic behavior of cross-bridges and the metabolic status of the fibers, particularly in the fast-twitch fatigue-resistant fibers.
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