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Limitations of Gas Exchanges in Intact Leaves during Ontogeny of Field-grown Chickpeas
Abstract:The ontogenic changes in several component processes of photosynthesiswere measured in chickpeas. Gas exchange characteristics ofintact leaves were studied to analyse the effects of ambientconditions under which chickpeas are usually grown. The CO2assimilation rate per unit leaf area remained fairly high duringthe vegetative stage, reaching a peak at early pod-fill anddeclining subsequently throughout pod development. The intercellularCO2 partial pressure (C1) remained more or less constant ( BORDER=195µbar) during vegetative growth and the early stages ofseed-filling. With falling RWC and PAR interception, the stomatalconductance declined more rapidly than the CO2 assimilationrate resulting in a value of C1 less than that normally existingunder ambient conditions. From the A/C1-analysis, CO2 assimilationduring pod-filling appears to be limited by the RuBP-regenerationcapacity because the carboxylation efficiency and in vitro RuBPCaseactivity were initially unaffected. However, as leaves aged,the carboxylation efficiency and in vitro RuBPCase activitydecreased abruptly with increasing leaf temperatures above 30°C, and the C1 was greater than normally existing values( BORDER=195 µbar), suggesting an increased mesophyll limitationof photosynthesis. It is suggested that a decline in the CO2assimilation rate of leaves during pod development and an acceleratedsenescence are induced by adverse ambient conditions, particularlyplant water stress and high leaf temperature. Key words: Cicer arietinum L., gas exchange, photosynthesis, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase
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