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Circulating and cardiac levels of apelin,the novel ligand of the orphan receptor APJ,in patients with heart failure
Authors:Földes Gábor  Horkay Ferenc  Szokodi István  Vuolteenaho Olli  Ilves Mika  Lindstedt Ken A  Mäyränpää Mikko  Sármán Balázs  Seres Leila  Skoumal Réka  Lakó-Futó Zoltán  deChâtel Rudolf  Ruskoaho Heikki  Tóth Miklós
Affiliation:a Ist Department of Medicine, Semmelweis University, Budapest H-1083, Hungary
b Gottsegen National Institute of Cardiology, Budapest H-1096, Hungary
c Heart Institute, University of Pécs, Pécs H-7624, Hungary
d Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Biocenter Oulu, University of Oulu, Oulu FIN-90014, Finland
e Department of Physiology, Biocenter Oulu, University of Oulu, Oulu FIN-90014, Finland
f Wihuri Research Institute, Helsinki FIN-00140, Finland
g Molecular Genetic Research Group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest H-1082, Hungary
Abstract:The orphan receptor APJ and its recently identified endogenous ligand, apelin, are expressed in the heart. However, their importance in the human cardiovascular system is not known. This study shows that apelin-like immunoreactivity is abundantly present in healthy human heart and plasma. Gel filtration HPLC analysis revealed that atrial and plasma levels of high molecular weight apelin, possibly proapelin, were markedly higher than those of mature apelin-36 itself. As assessed by quantitative RT-PCR analysis, left ventricular apelin mRNA levels were increased 4.7-fold in chronic heart failure (CHF) due to coronary heart disease (p<0.01) and 3.3-fold due to idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy (p<0.05), whereas atrial apelin mRNA levels were unchanged. Atrial and plasma apelin-like immunoreactivity as well as atrial and ventricular APJ receptor mRNA levels were significantly decreased in CHF. Our results suggest that a new cardiac regulatory peptide, apelin, and APJ receptor may contribute to the pathophysiology of human CHF.
Keywords:Apelin   APJ receptor   Heart failure   Human
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