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Cell structural changes in the needles of Norway spruce exposed to long-term ozone and drought
Authors:Kivimäenpää Minna  Sutinen Sirkka  Karlsson Per Erik  Selldén Gun
Affiliation:1 Department of Ecology and Environmental Science, University of Kuopio, PO Box 1627, FIN-70211 Kuopio, Finland, 2 Finnish Forest Research Institute, Suonenjoki Research Station, FIN-77600 Suonenjoki, Finland, 3 Finnish Forest Research Institute, Joensuu Research Center, PO Box 68, FIN-80101 Joensuu, Findand, 4 Swedish Environmental Research Institute, PO Box 47086, SE-402 58 Göteborg, Sweden and 5 Botanical Institute, University of Göteborg, PO Box 461, SE-405 30 Göteborg, Sweden
Abstract:Effects of ozone and/or drought on Norway spruce needles werestudied using light microscopy and electron microscopy. Saplingswere exposed to ozone in open-top chambers during 1992–1995and also to drought in the late summers of 1993–1995.Samples from current and previous year needles were collectedfive times during 1995. Ozone increased the numbers of peroxisomesand mitochondria, which suggests that defence mechanisms againstoxidative stress were active. The results from peroxisomes suggestthat the oxidative stress was more pronounced in the upper sideof the needles, and those from mitochondria that defence wasmore active in the younger needle generation. Possibly due tothe good nitrogen status and the active defence, no ozone-specificchloroplast alterations were seen. At the end of the season,older needles from ozone treatments had smaller central vacuolescompared with other needles. Cytoplasmic vacuoles around thenucleus were increased by ozone in the beginning of the experiment,and did not increase towards the end of the season as in thecontrols. These results from vacuoles may indicate that ozoneaffected the osmotic properties of the cells. Decreased numberand underdevelopment of sclerenchyma cells and proliferationof tonoplast were related to nutrient imbalance, which was enhancedby drought. Larger vascular cylinders and more effective starchaccumulation before and after the drought periods compensatedfor the reduced water status. Numbers of peroxisomes and mitochondriawere increased in the drought-exposed needles before the onsetof drought treatments of the study year, i.e. these changeswere memory effects. Interactions between ozone and droughtwere few.
Keywords:Picea abies   Norway spruce   needles   ozone   drought   light microscopy   transmission electron microscopy   peroxisome   mitochondrion   chloroplast   starch   vacuole.
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