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Oscillations of the Membrane Potential of Pulvinar Motor Cells In Situ in Relation to Leaflet Movements of Desmodium motorium
Abstract:The ultradian rhythmic movement of the lateral leaflets of Desmodiummotorium is accompanied by rhythmic changes of the extra- andintracellular electrical potentials in the pulvinus, which aremeasured in situ in the pulvinus against the bathing solutionof the petiole. Extra- and intracellular potentials oscillatewith 180'b0 phase difference to each other, as shown by simultaneousmeasurements of both types of potentials in the abaxial partof the pulvinus. Light-induced changes of these potentials movein opposite directions. The in situ membrane potential of themotor cells of the pulvinus was calculated from the differencebetween the extra- and intracellular potentials. It was foundto oscillate between –136 and –36 mV, in phase withthe intracellular and inverse to the extracellular potential.The phase relationship between the leaflet movement rhythm andthe in situ membrane potential rhythm was as follows: downwardmovement is preceded and accompanied by a strong depolarization,upward movement by hyperpolarization. Our results suggest that membrane depolarization in pulvinarmotor cells of Desmodium motorium drives and controls potassiumefflux and hyperpolarization potassium influx via potassiumchannels. Key words: Desmodium pulvinus, leaf movement, pulvinar motor cells, electrical potential
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