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引用本文:马路,方媛,肖飒清,周纯,金哲伦,叶雯澜,饶玉春. 水稻条斑病抗性QTL的挖掘及相关基因的表达[J]. 植物学报, 2018, 53(4): 468-476. DOI: 10.11983/CBB17250
作者姓名:马路  方媛  肖飒清  周纯  金哲伦  叶雯澜  饶玉春
作者单位:浙江师范大学化学与生命科学学院, 金华 321004
摘    要:条斑病是水稻(Oryza sativa)中的常见病害, 已经对我国粮食的高产稳产造成严重威胁。以典型籼稻台中本地1号与粳稻春江06的杂交F1代花药培养双单倍体群体(DH)为材料, 用Xoc BLS256进行人工接菌, 对双亲及群体各株系的病斑长度进行测量和量化分析; 同时利用该群体业已构建的加密遗传图谱对病斑表型数据进行QTL作图分析。结果在水稻第2、4、5和8号染色体上共检测到4个效应值能区分开的QTL。对2号与5号染色体上2个较大的QTL区间内抗条斑病相关基因进行了表达分析, 结果表明这些基因在处理前后出现了不同程度的表达差异, 暗示这些基因可能是响应春江06与台中本地1号条斑病抗性差异的目标基因。研究结果为进一步克隆水稻条斑病抗性QTL奠定了重要基础。

关 键 词:条斑病  QTL分析  抗性  水稻  

QTL Exploration of Bacterial Leaf Streak and Their Gene Expression in Rice
Ma Lu,Fang Yuan,Xiao Saqing,Zhou Chun,Jin Zhelun,Ye Wenlan,Rao Yuchun. QTL Exploration of Bacterial Leaf Streak and Their Gene Expression in Rice[J]. Bulletin of Botany, 2018, 53(4): 468-476. DOI: 10.11983/CBB17250
Authors:Ma Lu  Fang Yuan  Xiao Saqing  Zhou Chun  Jin Zhelun  Ye Wenlan  Rao Yuchun
Affiliation:College of Chemistry and Life Sciences, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua 321004, China
Abstract:Bacterial leaf streak (BLS) is a common disease in rice and a serious threat to the high and stable production of China’s grain. We used a pair of typical indica TN1 and japonica CJ06 double haploid (DH) rice and inoculated them with Xoc BLS256, then measured and quantified the length of diseased plaques of parents and next generations. We used the molecular linkage map of this population for quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping analysis. We found 4 QTLs that were able to distinguish the effect values located on chromosomes 2, 4, 5 and 8. We analyzed the expression of genes resistant to BLS in two large QTL intervals on chromosomes 2 and 5 and found that these genes had different degrees of expression before and after treatment. These genes might be the target genes responding to the difference in resistance to BLS of TN1 and CJ06. The results of this study lay a solid foundation for further cloning QTL for resistance to rice BLS.
Keywords:bacterial leaf streak  QTL analysis  resistance  rice
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