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Age class influence on the yield of edible fungi in a managed Mediterranean forest
Authors:Teresa Ágreda  Óscar Cisneros  Beatriz Águeda  Luz Marina Fernández-Toirán
Institution:1. ADEMA, Plaza Mayor, n°2, 42200, Almazán, Soria, Spain
2. Centro de Investigación Forestal de Valonsadero, Consejería de Medio Ambiente, Junta de Castilla y León, Apdo. de correos 175, Soria, Spain
3. Escuela Universitaria de Ingenierías Agrarias de Soria, Universidad de Valladolid, Campus Duques de Soria, 42003, Soria, Spain
Abstract:Lack of information and difficulty in predicting wild edible sporocarp yields is blocking its integration in forest management. In the Mediterranean area, this nontimber forest product has increased its market value, consumption demand, and interest over the last decade. In this work, sampling year and stand age effects are analyzed in order to advance knowledge of edible fungi community structure, dynamics, and production. Weekly autumnal sporocarp monitoring was performed from 1997 to 2011 in a Pinus pinaster managed forest in central Spain. After applying a random stand age-stratified survey, 21 plots of 150 m2 have been set with three per stand age class. The forest age classes have been defined as follows: 0–10 years, mixture of parent and regenerated trees, 11–20, 21–40, 41–60, 61–90, and over 90 years. A total of 153 species belonging to 56 genera were recorded, 55 of which are edible. The production of edible sporocarps was 19.8 kg ha?1, representing 31 % of total production. Sporocarp production presents a sharp interannual variability with autumns 62 times more productive than others. The most abundant edible species in terms of fresh weight per hectare has been Lactarius deliciosus with 7.0 kg ha?1. Edible fungi yields registered a significant decline in 10 years following regenerative cutting. The presence of parent trees significantly increases production with regard to the first class. The highest production of edible species occurs in the middle age, 41–60 years, and in the following classes, a decrease is produced. L. deliciosus production registered differences with age, manifesting in a high yield in young stands (11–20 years) and significant recovery in woodlands near to the cutting.
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