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Potential biological control of weeds in rice fields by allelopathy of dwarf lilyturf plants
Authors:Dongzhi Lin  Eiji Tsuzuki  Yanjun Dong  H. Terao  T.D. Xuan
Affiliation:(1) Crop Sciences Lab. Agricultural Faculty, Miyazaki University, Miyazaki City, 889-2155, Japan;
Abstract:Dwarf lilyturf (Ophiopogonjaponicus Ker-Gawl), a medicinal plant, hasbeen used for sore throat therapy andinhibition of physiological thirst sinceancient times. Experimental studies wereconducted to determine the allelopathic effectsof dwarf lilyturf plants on germination andgrowth of three main weed species, viz.,barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crusgalli L.),monchoria (Monocharia vaginalis P.) andsmallflower umbrella (Cyperus difformisL.), in rice production and on emergence andgrowth of weeds in rice fields in Japan. Theseresults showed that all aqueous extracts (1, 2,4, 8%, w/v) from the dried powders ofunderground parts of dwarf lilyturf containedwater-soluble substances that significantlyinhibited seed germination and seedling growthfor monchoria and smallflower umbrella. Withrespect to barnyardgrass, all aqueous extractshad less effect on germination, but lowconcentrations (<2%, w/v) had stimulatoryeffects on growth. However, higherconcentrations (>4%, w/v) had significantinhibitory effects. In a glasshouse experiment,all treatments (50, 100, 150 g m–2) of thedried powders significantly inhibited theemergence and dry weights of weeds in ricepaddy fields and the inhibition became strongeras the concentration increased, except that50 g m–2 concentration had slightstimulatory effects on the emergence ofbarnyardgrass. The 150 g m–2 concentrationmarkedly inhibited emergence (77.6%) and dryweight (91.1%) of rice field weeds. Inaddition, all treatments had no inhibition oninitial rice plant growth. Dwarf lilyturfplants may have inhibitory potential on weedsas a natural rice field herbicide.
Keywords:allelopathy  dwarf lilyturf  inhibitions  medicinal plants  weed control
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