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Leaching of isothiocyanates through intact soil following simulated biofumigation
Authors:Mette Laegdsmand  Anne Louise Gimsing  Bjarne W. Strobel  Jens Christian Sørensen  Ole Hørbye Jacobsen  Hans Christian Bruun Hansen
Affiliation:(1) Department of Agroecology, Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Research Centre Foulum, PO Box 50, 8830 Tjele, Denmark;(2) Department of Natural Sciences, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Thorvaldsensvej 40, 1871 Frederiksberg C, Denmark
Abstract:Biofumigation can be used as an alternative to conventional soil fumigation to control soil-borne pests. With biofumigation, plant tissue with a natural content of glucosinolates (cruciferous plants) is damaged and incorporated into the topsoil. When the plant tissue is damaged, the glucosinolates come into contact with the endogenous enzyme myrosinase, which catalyse the hydrolysis of glucosinolates into various products depending on the reaction conditions. Isothiocyanates are among the potential products formed from these reactions. We investigated if the isothiocyanates from rape plant material were leached through the soil to drain depth when a heavy rainstorm followed the biofumigation. We applied isothiocyanates from rape plant material (1,480 μmol m−2) to four large (0.6 m diameter, 1.0 m long) intact soil monoliths from a loamy and a sandy soil and conducted a leaching experiment under semi-field conditions. The soil monoliths were irrigated with 70–90 mm (10 mm h−1) and the concentrations of three isothiocyanates (3-butenyl, 4-pentenyl and 2-phenethyl) were monitored in the leachate. Between 0 and 14.8 mmol isothiocyanates were leached for each mol of isothiocyanates applied during application of 70–90 mm irrigation. The distribution coefficient estimated from leached concentrations was 0.04–1.19 for 3-butenyl, 0.04–1.15 for 4-pentenyl isothiocyanate and 0.037–0.97 for 2-phenethyl isothiocyanate. The concentration of total isothiocyanates in the leachate was in the same order of magnitude as the LD50 of isothiocyanates for sensitive aquatic organisms.
Keywords:Attenuation  Biofumigation  Glucosinolate  Isothiocyanate  Soil  Transport
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