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Care quality: reliability and usefulness of observation data in bench marking nursing homes and homes for the aged in the Netherlands
Authors:Frijters Dinnus  Gerritsen Debby  Steverink Nardi
Affiliation:Afd. Verpleeghuis-en Sociale Geneeskunde, Vrije Universiteit Medisch Centrum, Amsterdam, Van der Boechorststraat 7, 1081 BT. d.frijters.emgo@med.vu.nl
Abstract:Before including quality of care indicators in the Benchmark of Nursing Homes and Homes for the Aged in the Netherlands the reliability of the patient data collection, and usefulness had to be established. The patient data items were derived from the Resident Assessment Instruments (RAI) and a questionnaire on social interaction in elderly people. Three nursing homes and three homes for the aged participated in the test with 550 patients. 279 x 2 assessments were collected by independent raters for an inter rater reliability test; 259 x 2 by the same rater for a reliability test-retest; and 24 by a single rater. The scores on paired assessment forms were compared with the weighted Kappa agreement test. The test results allowed 10 of the 13 quality indicators from RAI to be retained. In addition new quality indicators could be defined on 'giving attention' and 'unrespectful addressing'. We estimate on the basis of a questionnaire for the raters that on average 9 to 12 minutes per patient are needed to collect and enter data for the resulting 12 quality indicators.
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