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Trophic interactions involving mysid shrimps (Mysidacea) in the near-bottom habitat in the Baltic Sea
Authors:Jan Albertsson
Affiliation:(1) County Administrative Board of Västerbotten, Sweden, S-901 86 Umeå, Sweden
Abstract:In a six month mesocosm tank experiment, hypotheses were tested concerning the role of benthopelagic mysid shrimps (Mysidacea) in the near-bottom food web of the Bothnian Sea, in the northern Baltic Sea. The first hypothesis tested was that the mysids interact, through predation, with benthic deposit-feeding Monoporeia affinis amphipods. A second hypothesis tested was that the sediment type is important for the overwintering success of the mysids. Changes in abundance and mass were recorded for M. affinis and mysids when separate and when coexisting, in two sediment types differing in organic content (food level); soft muddy clay (rich) and fine sand (poor). Despite the fact that newborn M. affinis offspring, a plausible target for predation by mysids, were present in substantial numbers in the tanks, no consistent evidence for any interaction between these taxa was found. The biomass of mysids was slightly higher in the muddy clay than in the sand tanks, and the mechanism behind this substrate effect is discussed. A third hypothesis, that the mysids interact with near-bottom zooplankton, was investigated. The tanks were continually supplied with in situ near-bottom sea-water containing a semi-natural assemblage of near-bottom plankton. As a result of mysid predation, tanks with mysids had lower abundance and biomass of cyclopoid copepods than tanks without mysids. Thus, the major interaction found was predation on near-bottom zooplankton by mysids and it is suggested that this interaction could potentially be an important food link, especially during periods with low food availability in the pelagic system.
Keywords:Cyclopoid copepods  Monoporeia affinis  Mysid shrimps  Predation
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