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Hypotonicity activates a lanthanide-sensitive pathway for K+ release in A6 epithelia
Authors:De Smet, Patrick   Li, Jinqing   Van Driessche, Willy
Abstract:The nature of the pathway forK+ release activated duringregulatory volume decrease (RVD) in A6 epithelia was investigated bymeasuring cell thickness (Tc) asan index of cell volume and by probingK+ efflux with86Rb as tracer forK+(RRb). Cell swelling was inducedby sudden reduction of basolateral osmolality (from 260 to 140 mosmol/kgH2O). Experiments wereperformed in the absence of Na+transport. Apical RRb wasnegligible in iso- and hyposmotic conditions. On the other hand,osmotic shock increased basolateralRRb(RblRb) rapidly, reaching a maximum 7 minafter the peak in Tc. Quinine (0.5 mM) completely inhibited RVD and RblRb.Also verapamil (0.2 mM) impeded volume recovery considerably; lidocaine(0.2 mM) did not exert a noticeable effect. TheK+ channel blockerBa2+ (30 mM) delayed RVD but couldnot prevent complete volume recovery. Cs+ inhibited RVD noticeably atconcentrations <40 mM. With large Cs+ concentrations (>40 mM), theinitial osmometric swelling was followed by a gradual increase ofTc, suggesting activation of Cs+ influx. Chronic exposure ofthe basolateral surface to 0.5 mM La3+ orGd3+ completely abolished RVD andRblRb. Acute administration oflanthanides at the time of osmolality decrease did not affect theinitial phase of RVD and reduced RblRbonly slightly. Apical Gd3+ exertedan inhibitory effect on RVD and RblRb.The effect of Gd3+ shouldtherefore be localized at an intracellular site. The role ofCa2+ entry could be excluded byfailure of extracellular Ca2+removal to inhibit volume recovery. In contrast to lanthanides, chronically and acutely administeredMg2+ (0.5 mM) inhibited RVD andRblRb by ~50%. These data suggest thatK+ excretion during RVD occursthrough a rather poorly selective pathway that does not seem to bedirectly activated by membrane stretch.

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