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引用本文:罗来敏 徐芬芳 等. 产后抑郁发病因素的综合研究[J]. 上海生物医学工程, 2001, 22(3): 16-19
作者姓名:罗来敏 徐芬芳 等
作者单位:上海市第六人民医院,上海市精神卫生中心,上海市第六人民医院,上海市第六人民医院 上海 200233,200030,上海 200233,上海 200233
摘    要:目的:研究产后抑郁可能的心理社会因素,为提高围产保健水平提供一些理论与实践的依据。方法:自拟一般资料调查表等4种表格收集有关的心理,社会,环境因素及产科因素;用Edinburgh(EPDS)抑郁量表分≥10分为界,筛查产后抑郁,共298例完成了产后第3天评定,127例完成了产后第42天的评定,测定38名产妇临产前与产后72小时的雌二醇,孕酮及催乳素水平。结果:产后抑郁的发病率为23.15%,家庭支持等社会心理因素以及雌二醇的变化幅度和产后抑郁密切相关,结论:产后抑郁的发生具有一定的心理,社会与生物学因素,妊娠,分娩与产褥期良好的社会,家庭支持是减少产后抑郁障碍的有力措施。

关 键 词:产后抑郁 EPDS 围产期 保健

A prospective study of integrated factors of postpartun depression
Abstract:Objective: This study aims to measur relevant psychosocial and biological factors and to raise the level of Perinatal health care. Methods: A sample of 298 women was studied at 3-day postpartun and 127 were reassessed at 42-day postpartum. They completed EPDS,some self-designed demographic and psychosocial investigation guestionnaries. The levels of esttradiol progesterone and prolactin were assayed at 38 women before and after the confinement. Results:23. 15% suffered from postpartun depression. Some psychosocial factors such as support, system and the changes of estradiol were significantly related to the postnatal depression. Conclusion:Postpartun depression has its psychosocial and biological causal factors. Good family will benefit alleviation of postpartun depression.
Keywords:postpartun depression EPDS perinatal care
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