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Biodegradation of free phytol by bacterial communities isolated from marine sediments under aerobic and denitrifying conditions
Authors:Rontani J F  Bonin P C  Volkman J K
Affiliation:Laboratoire d'Océanographie et de Biogéochimie (UMR 6535), Centre d'Océanologie de Marseille (OSU), Campus de Luminy, 13288 Marseille, France. rontani@com.univ-mrs.fr
Abstract:Biodegradation of (E)-phytol [3,7,11, 15-tetramethylhexadec-2(E)-en-1-ol] by two bacterial communities isolated from recent marine sediments under aerobic and denitrifying conditions was studied at 20 degrees C. This isoprenoid alcohol is metabolized efficiently by these two bacterial communities via 6,10, 14-trimethylpentadecan-2-one and (E)-phytenic acid. The first step in both aerobic and anaerobic bacterial degradation of (E)-phytol involves the transient production of (E)-phytenal, which in turn can be abiotically converted to 6,10,14-trimethylpentadecan-2-one. Most of the isoprenoid metabolites identified in vitro could be detected in a fresh sediment core collected at the same site as the sediments used for the incubations. Since (E)-phytenal is less sensitive to abiotic degradation at the temperature of the sediments (15 degrees C), the major part of (E)-phytol appeared to be biodegraded in situ via (E)-phytenic acid. (Z)- and (E)-phytenic acids are present in particularly large quantities in the upper section of the core, and their concentrations quickly decrease with depth in the core. This degradation (which takes place without significant production of phytanic acid) is attributed to the involvement of alternating beta-decarboxymethylation and beta-oxidation reaction sequences induced by denitrifiers. Despite the low nitrate concentration of marine sediments, denitrifying bacteria seem to play a significant role in the mineralization of (E)-phytol.
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