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Charge-induced pretransition in phosphatidylethanolamine multilayers. The occurrence of ripple structures
Authors:Jürgen StÜmpel  Karl Harlos  Hansj:Org Eibl
Affiliation:Max-Planck-Institut für Biophysikalische Chemie, Ara Fassberg, D-3400 Göttingen F.R.G.
Abstract:The influence of pli and ionic strength on the phase transition behaviour of 1,2-dihexadecylphosphatidylethanolamine was studied calorimetrically. In the range of ionic strength from 0.75 to 1.5 M NaC1 at pH? 13, where the amino group of the phosphatidylethanolarnine is in the deprotonated state, resulting in one negative charge per lipid molecule, the calorimetric scan shows a pretransition before the main transition. Accompanying freeze-fracture electron microscopic studies on these preparations in the temperature range between the pre- and main transitions show a regular surface, the so-called ripple structure. These are comparable with the structures seen in phosphatidylcholine-water systems af temperatures between the pre- and main transition.
Keywords:Ether-phosphatidylethanolamine  Pretransition  pH  lonic strength  Ripple structure  Freeze fracture  Phase transition  1,2-HH-G-PE  1,2-HH-G-PC  phase transition temperature  ΔH  phase transition enthalpy
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