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Action Spectra Confirm Two Separate Actions of Phytochrome in the Induction of Flowering in Lemna paucicostata 441
Authors:Lumsden, Peter J.   Saji, Hikaru   Furuya, Masaki
Affiliation:Division of Biological Regulation, National Institute JOT Basic Biology Okazaki, Aichi 444, Japan
Abstract:Action spectra studies have shown that in the short day plant(SDP) Lemna paucicostat441 there are at least two actions ofphytochrome in the induction of flowering. At the beginningof the dark period far-red light inhibited flowering, and theaction spectrum corresponded to the absorption spectrum of PFR,while at the middle of the inductive dark period both red andfar-red light were inhibitory. The action spectrum for the redlight corresponded to that of PR absorption, but there was activityin the region beyond 720 nm which exactly coincided with theabsorption by PFR observed at the beginning of the dark period,indicating that at the middle of the dark period there was absorptionby both PR and PFR. The difference in quantum efficiency betweenthe red and far-red light effects was about 60-fold. These resultsare consistent with there being a stable pool of PFR necessaryfor the induction of flowering and another pool of phytochromein a different cellular environment which participates in thenight-break reaction as PR. 1 Present address: School of Applied Biology, Faculty of Science,Lancashire Polytechnic, Preston PR1 2TQ, U.K.2 2 Present address: Division of Environmental Biology, NationalInstitute for Environmental Studies, Yatabemachi, Tsukuba, Ibaraki305, Japan.3 Present address: Division of Plant Biological Regulation,The Riken Institute for Frontier Research Program, Hirosawa,Wako-shi, 351-01, Japan. (Received December 13, 1986; Accepted July 17, 1987)
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