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The Ways of Plant Colonization by MethylobacteriumStrains and Properties of These Bacteria
Authors:Romanovskaya  V. A.  Stolyar  S. M.  Malashenko  Yu. R.  Dodatko  T. N.
Affiliation:(1) Zabolotnyi Institute of Microbiology and Virology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, ul. Zabolotnogo 154, Kiev, 252627, Ukraine
Abstract:The pink-pigmented facultative methylotrophic bacteria (PPFMB) of the genus Methylobacteriumare indispensible inhabitants of the plant phyllosphere. Using maize Zea maysas a model, the ways of plant colonization by PPFMB and some properties of the latter that might be beneficial to plants were studied. A marked strain, Methylobacterium mesophilicumAPR-8 (pULB113), was generated to facilitate the detection of the methylotrophic bacteria inoculated into the soil or applied to the maize leaves. Colonization of maize leaves by M. mesophilicumAPR-8 (pULB113) occurred only after the bacteria were applied onto the leaf surface. In this case, the number of PPFMB cells on inoculated leaves increased with plant growth. During seed germination, no colonization of maize leaves with M. mesophilicumcells occurred immediately from the soil inoculated with the marked strain. Thus, under natural conditions, colonization of plant leaves with PPFMB seems to occur via soil particle transfer to the leaves by air. PPFMB monocultures were not antagonistic to phytopathogenic bacteria. However, mixed cultures of epiphytic bacteria containing Methylobacterium mesophilicumor M. extorquensdid exhibit an antagonistic effect against the phytopathogenic bacteria studied (Xanthomonas campestris, Pseudomonas syringae, Erwinia carotovora, Clavibacter michiganense,andAgrobacterium tumifaciens). Neither epiphytic nor soil strains of Methylobacterium extorquens, M. organophillum, M. mesophilicum, andM. fujisawaensecatalyzed ice nucleation. Hence, they cause no frost injury to plants. Thus, the results indicate that the strains of the genus Methylobacteriumcan protect plants against adverse environmental factors.
Keywords:Methylobacterium  plant colonization  ice crystallization  antagonistic properties
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