Abstract: | The water transport pipeline in herbs is assumed to be more vulnerable to drought than in trees due to the formation of frequent embolisms (gas bubbles), which could be removed by the occurrence of root pressure, especially in grasses. Here, we studied hydraulic failure in herbaceous angiosperms by measuring the pressure inducing 50% loss of hydraulic conductance (P50) in stems of 26 species, mainly European grasses (Poaceae). Our measurements show a large range in P50 from −0.5 to −7.5 MPa, which overlaps with 94% of the woody angiosperm species in a worldwide, published data set and which strongly correlates with an aridity index. Moreover, the P50 values obtained were substantially more negative than the midday water potentials for five grass species monitored throughout the entire growing season, suggesting that embolism formation and repair are not routine and mainly occur under water deficits. These results show that both herbs and trees share the ability to withstand very negative water potentials without considerable embolism formation in their xylem conduits during drought stress. In addition, structure-function trade-offs in grass stems reveal that more resistant species are more lignified, which was confirmed for herbaceous and closely related woody species of the daisy group (Asteraceae). Our findings could imply that herbs with more lignified stems will become more abundant in future grasslands under more frequent and severe droughts, potentially resulting in lower forage digestibility.Terrestrial biomes provide numerous ecosystem services to humans, such as biodiversity refuges, forage supply, carbon sequestration, and associated atmospheric feedback (Bonan, 2008). Drought frequency and severity are predicted to increase across various ecosystems (Dai, 2013), and its impact on the fate of terrestrial biomes has aroused great concern for stakeholders over the past decade. For instance, worldwide forest declines have been associated with drought events (Allen et al., 2010), and the sustainability of grasslands, one of the most important agro-ecosystems representing 26% of the world land area, is threatened due to increasing aridity in the light of climate change (Tubiello et al., 2007; Brookshire and Weaver, 2015). Since the maintenance of grasslands is of prime importance for livestock, and several of the most valuable crops are grasses, herbaceous species deserve more attention from a hydraulic point of view to understand how they will cope with shifts in precipitation and temperature patterns.During water deficit, hydraulic failure in trees has been put forward as one of the primary causes of forest decline (Anderegg et al., 2015, 2016). Drought exacerbates the negative pressure inside the water conducting cells, making the liquid xylem sap more metastable, and thus more vulnerable, to air entry (i.e. gas embolism; Lens et al., 2013a). Extensive levels of embolisms may lead to desiccation, leaf mortality, branch sacrifice, and ultimately plant death (Barigah et al., 2013; Urli et al., 2013). Plant resistance to embolism is therefore assumed to represent a key parameter in determining the drought tolerance of trees and is estimated using so-called vulnerability curves (VCs), from which the P50, i.e. the sap pressure inducing 50% loss of hydraulic conductivity, can be estimated (Cochard et al., 2013). P50 values are therefore good proxies for drought stress tolerance in woody plants and have been published for hundreds of angiosperm and gymnosperm tree species (Delzon et al., 2010; Choat et al., 2012), illustrating a wide range from −0.5 to −19 MPa (Larter et al., 2015).Studies focusing on P50 values of herbs are limited to stems of ∼14 angiosperm species (see Supplemental Table S1 and references cited therein). Half of the herbaceous angiosperms studied so far (Supplemental Table S1) have a stem P50 between 0 and −2 MPa, indicating that many herbs are highly vulnerable to embolism. Moreover, positive root pressure has been reported in various herbs, including many grasses (Poaceae) with hydathodes in their leaves (Evert, 2006), and root pressure is hypothesized to refill embolized conduits overnight when transpiration is low (Miller, 1985; Neufeld et al., 1992; Cochard et al., 1994; Macduff and Bakken, 2003; Saha et al., 2009; Cao et al., 2012). This could suggest that embolism formation and repair follow a daily cycle in herbs. In other words, the midday water potential that herbs experience in the field may often be more negative than P50, which would result in an extremely vulnerable hydraulic pipeline characterized by a negative hydraulic safety margin (expressed as the minimum midday water potential minus P50). In contrast to herbs, most trees operate at a slightly positive hydraulic safety margin (Choat et al., 2012), and woody plants are often too tall to allow refilling by positive root and/or stem pressure in the upper stems (Ewers et al., 1997; Fisher et al., 1997). Therefore, it could be postulated that herbaceous species possess a hydraulic system that is more vulnerable to embolism than that of woody species. In this study, we want to underpin possible differences in embolism resistance between stems of herbaceous and woody angiosperms.The scarcity of P50 measures in herbaceous angiosperms, including grasses and herbaceous eudicots, is mainly due to their fragile stems and low hydraulic conductivity, making VCs technically more challenging. Using minor adaptations to existing centrifuge techniques (Supplemental Text S1), we obtained a P50 stem data set of 26 herbaceous angiosperm species (mainly grasses) from various collection sites in France and Switzerland. In addition, we compared our data set with published data from woody (gymnosperm and angiosperm) species, confronted some of our herbaceous eudicot measurements with original P50 data from derived, woody relatives, and performed anatomical observations in grasses to investigate a possible link between stem anatomical characters and differences in P50 among the species studied. Three main research questions are central in our article: (1) Are stems of herbaceous angiosperms more vulnerable to embolism than those of woody angiosperms? (2) Do grasses operate with highly vulnerable, negative hydraulic safety margins? (3) Do grasses show structure-function trade-offs in their stems with respect to embolism resistance? |