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N‐Acylated Alanine Methyl Esters (NAMEs) from Roseovarius tolerans,Structural Analogs of Quorum‐Sensing Autoinducers,N‐Acylhomoserine Lactones
Authors:Hilke Bruns  Verena Thiel  Sonja Voget  Diana Patzelt  Rolf Daniel  Irene Wagner‐Döbler  Stefan Schulz
Affiliation:1. Institute of Organic Chemistry, TU Braunschweig, Hagenring 30, DE‐38106 Braunschweig, (phone: +495313915271);2. Institute of Microbiology and Genetics, Georg‐August University of G?ttingen, Grisebachstr. 8, DE‐37077 G?ttingen;3. Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Inhoffenstra?e 7, DE‐38124 Braunschweig
The Roseobacter clade is one of the most important bacteria group living in the ocean. Liquid cultures of Roseovarius tolerans EL 164 were investigated for the production of autoinducers such as N‐acylhomoserine lactones (AHLs) and other secondary metabolites. The XAD extracts were analyzed by GC/MS. Two AHLs, Z7‐C14 : 1‐homoserine lactone (HSL) and C15 : 1‐HSL, were identified. Additionally, the extract contained five compounds with molecular‐ion peaks at m/z 104, 145, and 158, thus exhibiting mass spectra similar to those of AHLs with corresponding peaks at m/z 102, 143, and 156. Isolation of the main compound by column chromatography, NMR analysis, dimethyl disulfide derivatization for the determination of the location of the C?C bond and finally synthesis of the compound with the proposed structure confirmed the compound to be (Z)‐N‐(hexadec‐9‐enoyl)alanine methyl ester. Four additional minor compounds were identified as C14 : 0‐, C15 : 0‐, C16 : 0‐, and C17 : 1‐N‐acylated alanine methyl esters (NAMEs). All NAMEs have not been described from natural sources before. A BLASTp search showed the presence of AHL‐producing luxI genes, but no homologous genes potentially responsible for the structurally closely related NAMEs were found. The involvement of the NAMEs in chemical communication processes of the bacteria is discussed.
Keywords:Roseovarius tolerans  Quorum sensing  Chemical communication  Autoinducers  Bacteria
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