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The Chromosomal Organization of the Human Endogenous Retrovirus-like Sequence HERV-H: Clustering of the HERV-H Sequences in a 300-kb Region Close to the GRPR Locus on the X Chromosome
Authors:Shiraishi, Masahiko   Alitalo, Tiina   Sekiya, Takao
Affiliation:1Oncogene Division, National Cancer Center Research Institute 1-1 Tsukiji 5-chome, Chuo-ku 104, Tokyo, Japan
2Department of Medical Genetics, University of Helsinki Haartmanikatu 3, 00014 Helsinki, Finland
Abstract:Within the haploid genome there are approximately 1,000 copiesof the human endogenous retroviruslike sequence, HERV-H. Althoughthese sequences are scattered throughout the entire genome,in situ hybridization experiments revealed that there are discreteclusters positioned on chromosomes 1p and 7q. In this study,we have located three HERV-H sequences which were unexpectedlyclustered within a 300-kilobase region close to the GRPR locuson the X chromosome. In previous studies, no clusteringof thissequence has been reported at this locus. Our finding demonstratesthat, like other repetitive sequences, clustering of HERV-Hoccurs in the human genome, although these sequences may notalways be detected by in situ hybridization methods.
Keywords:cosmid clones   repetitive sequence   DNA sequencing   Southern hybridization
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