(1) Faculty of Environment, University of Manitoba, R3T 2N2 Winnipeg, MB, Canada
Modifications and use of Karr’s Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI) for assessing the effects of anthropogenic impacts to aquatic ecosystems have typically occurred using data collected at the macro scale. However, some non-point sources of habitat degradation occur at small scales. One possible source of perturbation to fish habitat in boreal rivers is the application of rip rap shoreline armouring in human use areas. In this study we assess the use of IBI in a small scale setting and discuss the potential impact of rip rap shoreline armouring. We captured small and juvenile fishes weekly during 2002–2003 from 12 sample sites within the littoral zone of a human use area using a modified beach seine. Principal component analysis (PCA) was performed on the data to examine the relationship between species composition and IBI scores. We also performed PCA on the IBI metrics to assess our modifications. The IBI method produced higher scores for armoured sites than for unarmoured sites. We found a strong rank order correlation (Spearman’s ρ > 0.93; p < 0.001) between the modified IBI scores and the first principal component, suggesting that Karr’s original empirically-based IBI is strongly linked to species composition. We found a high degree of redundancy between the metrics of the IBI that validate our modifications. These results suggest that IBI can be a suitable method for assessing non-point impacts from within a small study area. Our results also indicate that fish habitat from rip rap armoured sites within the test area had consistently higher IBI scores that unarmoured sites.