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Intergranular bridges in the anterior pituitary cell and their possible involvement in Ca2+-induced granule-granule fusion
Authors:T. Senda  Keisuke Yamashita  Toshio Okabe  Nakaba Sugimoto  Morihiro Matsuda
Affiliation:Department of Anatomy I, Nagoya University School of Medicine, 65, Tsuruma-cho, Showa-ku, Nagoya, 466-8550 Japan Fax: +81–52–744–2012; e-mail: senda@tsuru.med.nagoya-u.ac.jp, JP
Department of Anatomy I, Hiroshima University School of Medicine, 1–2–3 Kasumi, Minami-ku, Hiroshima, 734-8551 Japan, JP
Department of Toxinology, Research Institute for Microbial Diseases, Osaka University, 3–1 Yamadaoka, Suita, 565-0871 Japan, JP
Abstract:Quick-freeze deep-etch electron microscopy showed the presence of bridge-like structures between adjacent secretory granules in rat anterior pituitary secretory cells. These intergranular bridges were variable in length and thickness. The finest bridges were 7–8 nm in length, while the longest ones were as long as 80 nm. Annexin II, one of the Ca2+-dependent phospholipid-binding proteins, is known to interlink between two membranes and induce aggregation of liposomes and chromaffin granules under the presence of Ca2+. In anterior pituitary cells, annexin II was detected by immunoelectron microscopy at the contact sites of secretory granules with other granules. The anterior pituitary cells treated under the presence of extracellular Ca2+ with Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin which induces Ca2+ influx showed multigranular exocytosis, i.e., multiple fusions of secretory granules with each other and with the plasma membrane. The granule-granule fusion in progress could be captured by the quick-freeze deep-etch technique. The membranes of adjacent secretory granules were partially fused at their contact sites where intergranular strands were no longer seen, while there existed intergranular strands between unfused portions of the granule membranes. From these results, we consider that the intergranular bridges, some of which may be composed of annexin II, are involved in Ca2+-induced granule-granule fusion in anterior pituitary cells.
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