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引用本文:胡慧,杨雨,包维楷,刘鑫,李芳兰. 干旱河谷微生境变化对乡土植物幼苗定植的影响[J]. 植物生态学报, 2020, 44(10): 1028-1039. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2020.0216
作者姓名:胡慧  杨雨  包维楷  刘鑫  李芳兰
作者单位:中国科学院山地生态恢复与生物资源利用重点实验室, 生态恢复与生物多样性保育四川省重点实验室, 中国科学院成都生物研究所, 成都 610041
中国科学院大学, 北京 100049
摘    要:干旱区植被斑块状分布格局引起的微生境差异对植被更新影响显著。气候变化和人类活动扰动下, 干旱区生态系统微生境多样化, 急需揭示乡土植物定植对不同微生境斑块变化的响应及其种间差异性, 并采用微生境调控技术促进退化生态系统植被恢复。该研究选择岷江干旱河谷区自然分布的灌木、半灌木和裸地微生境斑块, 采用移栽鞍叶羊蹄甲(Bauhinia brachycarpa)幼苗的试验方法, 揭示微生境变化对幼苗定植的影响; 进一步以极端退化的道路边坡为案例, 通过6种乡土植物种子直播试验探讨微生境调控技术及其对乡土植物幼苗定植的促进作用。结果显示, 在自然生态系统中, 裸地斑块上幼苗保存率和生物量显著大于植被斑块, 表明裸地微生境有利于幼苗定植; 养分添加仅对裸地斑块中幼苗生物量积累有促进作用。在裸地斑块中, 叶片生物量所占的比例和比叶面积较小, 相反根和茎生物量所占的比例较大。道路边坡上植被恢复试验结果显示, 6种乡土植物均能较好地适应土石混杂的边坡生境, 多数物种出苗率大于60%; 灌木幼苗保存率大于75%, 并且形成镶嵌式乡土灌草群落结构。地表覆盖和养分添加提高了边坡上种子出苗率和幼苗保存率, 促进了幼苗定植和结构稳定。该研究提供了有效促进工程边坡上乡土植物定植的方法, 可为干旱、半干旱生态系统退化荒坡和工程破坏地乡土植被恢复提供理论依据和技术指导。

关 键 词:生态恢复  种间差异  群落结构  边坡  微生境  幼苗定植  

Effects of microhabitat changes on seedling establishment of native plants in a dry valley
HU Hui,YANG Yu,BAO Wei-Kai,LIU Xin,LI Fang-Lan. Effects of microhabitat changes on seedling establishment of native plants in a dry valley[J]. Acta Phytoecologica Sinica, 2020, 44(10): 1028-1039. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2020.0216
Authors:HU Hui  YANG Yu  BAO Wei-Kai  LIU Xin  LI Fang-Lan
Affiliation:CAS Key Laboratory of Mountain Ecological Restoration and Bioresource Utilization & Ecological Restoration and Biodiversity Conservation Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province, Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu 610041, China
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
Abstract:Aims The patchy distribution patterns of vegetation result in heterogeneous microhabitats and thus affect seed germination and seedling establishment in arid ecosystems. The impact of changes in microhabitat conditions on the colonization of native plants and the specificity need to be understood for restoring vegetation by adopting microhabitat regulation measures in arid ecosystems where vegetation degradations are exacerbated by climate change and increasing anthropogenic disturbances. Methods Three types of microhabitat conditions, including vegetation cover of shrubs and semi-shrubs, respectively, and bare lands, were selected in an dry valley in Minjiang River basin. The effects of microhabitat conditions on seedling establishment were studied in Bauhinia brachycarpa by measuring the survival rate and the height and biomass of seedlings. The microhabitat effects on seed germination and seedling establishment were also studied in six other native plant species on an extremely degraded roadside slope. Important findings The results show that B. brachycarpa seedlings had significantly greater survival rate and total biomass, as well as greater biomass of roots and shoots on bare lands than in habitats with shrub and semi-shrub covers; whereas the specific leaf area and leaf mass fraction of seedlings were smaller on bare lands than in shrub and semi-shrub patches. Humus addition treatment significantly increased the total biomass of seedlings in bare land microhabitat. Moreover, non-woven geotextile cover and humus addition treatment increased the germination rate in herbaceous plants, resulting in high herb density four months after treatment. The results suggest that humus addition and geotextile cover are effective in regulating microhabitat for improvement of seedling colonization and maintenance of the community structure stability. In conclusion, uses of native plants are important in the vegetation restoration of extremely degraded sites in arid regions due to their strong adaptability to road slope habitats and capability of forming a shrub-grass mosaic community structures.
Keywords:ecological restoration  interspecific variation  community structure  roadside  microhabitat  seedling establishment  
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